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Best metadata for anthology-style cartoons with mutliple shorts per 'episode'? - Printable Version

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Best metadata for anthology-style cartoons with mutliple shorts per 'episode'? - GavGaddis - 2023-11-10

For those who've not encountered this much: there are a few edge case TV shows out there where they were broadcast as one 22 minute episode, but because they're built from multiple independent shorts popular metadata sources like TVDb and TMDb consider each short to be its own episode.

Which raises all kinds of havoc when you're just a simple nerd ripping a cartoon DVD box set and the only solutions that tend to pop up online are "name it some monstrosity like Animaniacs - SO1E01 - S01E03"

It would be wonderful if there's already a solution for anthology-style shows like this. Heck, IMDb has it right. Their episode listings put each of the three shorts as the episode title, but since Amazon closed that particular API cookie jar it's not a metadata option. I'm crossing my fingers that, like anime, there's a hyper specific knowledge base out there, I just haven't met the right person to be like "Oh, yeah, you gotta add Tommy's plugin repository to be able to download it."

RE: Best metadata for anthology-style cartoons with mutliple shorts per 'episode'? - elephantLYFE - 2023-11-11

IF it makes you feel better, I have not found any fix all solution for anthologies.
Anthologies are tricky, due to variations on its release,
such as Movie/TvShow/StandAlone depending on artist vision.

This will as is, always be a case by case basis,
Maybe one day, there could be tools, 
even though understanding it would never cover every single case.

Some of my thoughts on the topic:

1) Multiple pieces listed as one file, but have many different cast/episodes/description etc.
2) Often we are at the mercy of the chosen DB API of if it will properly show as a MOVIE or Show library,
  (despite if it feels more like one or the other)
3) Depending on Movie vs Show, will limit our options too for one vs. multiple files.
    (ex. Movie versions vs Specials folder etc.)

Workaround options: (but not all as desirable, and each have trade offs.)

A) Show Library, Use the S0E01-S0E05 naming option. (I do like the pros of this, but not that is should be a crutch for Anthologies).
B) Split the file up, into its multiple scenes, then rename/add to library as Show Library type.
C) Leave as one file, let it appear  Movie Library.
D) Split up, and create a Collections.

Media Examples I've encountered:
Afro Samurai (2007)
The Animatrix (2003)
Blade Runner Animated Shorts (2017) (NOT Blade Runner Black Lotus 2021)
Halo Legends (2010)
Rick & Morty Web Shorts ()
Some Documentaries that consist of multiple shorts.
Adult Material - Containing multiple scenes.

Again, I dont know if there could ever be a catch all solution,
but maybe some tools for manual edits to add info.
I do feel this comes down to the issue of mixed libraries again as well with many cases.