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Most full featured Jellyfin Client? - Printable Version

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Most full featured Jellyfin Client? - sisu - 2023-11-13

I recently used the Jellyfin client on Lg Oled Tv and it's not as good as the Android client on the FireTv.

Aside from Jellyfin Media Player for the PC. Does Roku's client at least same as Android's?

RE: Most full featured Jellyfin Client? - crobibero - 2023-11-13

Every client is different. If you specify what features you are referring to we can provide a more specific answer.

The Roku client and the AndroidTV client are not the same.

RE: Most full featured Jellyfin Client? - sisu - 2023-11-13

I found that WebOS Jellyfin Client doesn't support subtitles natively. For example, when subtitles is selected, the server starts to transcode the subtitle stating that it doesn't support it.

The same movie and subtitle works with the Android/FireTV client.

I found that Jellyfin Media Player for PC client is the most full featured client because it seems to allow direct-streaming even though my monitor isn't 4k, and it has more customizable options around play-back/subtitles, etc...

I wanted to get a streamer device like the Roku and was wondering if the Roku client is not like the WebOS and more like the Android or the Jellyfin Media Player for the PC.

RE: Most full featured Jellyfin Client? - troothdotcom - 2023-11-21

I don't have too much experience with other devices outside of my GCCTV and that seems to work almost flawlessly. I have my server on a very old laptop with very little to no encoding power (if I understand how that works) and my GCCTV plays damn near everything with subtitles and no issues. I have also not had too many issues with friends and family who use Roku.

RE: Most full featured Jellyfin Client? - tmsrxzar - 2023-11-21

+1 what crobibero said

first decide what you want then decide what supports it not the other way around

RE: Most full featured Jellyfin Client? - bitmap - 2023-11-21

(2023-11-13, 06:45 PM)sisu Wrote: I found that WebOS Jellyfin Client doesn't support subtitles natively. For example, when subtitles is selected, the server starts to transcode the subtitle stating that it doesn't support it.

The same movie and subtitle works with the Android/FireTV client.

I found that Jellyfin Media Player for PC client is the most full featured client because it seems to allow direct-streaming even though my monitor isn't 4k, and it has more customizable options around play-back/subtitles, etc...

I wanted to get a streamer device like the Roku and was wondering if the Roku client is not like the WebOS and more like the Android or the Jellyfin Media Player for the PC.

WebOS, in my experience, supports a broader range of subs than Roku. Neither supports PGS/DVD/VOB subs. Those picture-based subtitles aren't supported by very many clients natively and must be burned in. Recently, even fairly complex ASS subs have worked just fine with WebOS. In general, picture-based subtitles will require transcoding, with few exceptions (none of which I can speak to personally). Anecdotally, Kodi and the Shield supposedly support native display of all subs, but that's just what folks have said.

RE: Most full featured Jellyfin Client? - tmsrxzar - 2023-11-21

(2023-11-21, 05:49 PM)bitmap Wrote: Anecdotally, Kodi and the Shield supposedly support native display of all subs, but that's just what folks have said.

i can confirm: Kodi on (android) plays subs of all kinds without issue