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SOLVED: Can not play media new install - Printable Version

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Can not play media new install - Kevin Cossaboon - 2023-11-13

Just installed Jellyfin on Windows 10
- Network File share is MAPPED as a drive
- Files can play via Explorer
- JellyFin ingested the files and created thumbnails for the files
- when trying to play a file;
Slow HTTP Response from https://jellyfin.[domain].net/Shows/4a01007bc9f8ebc73d791054474f3352/Episodes?IsVirtualUnaired=false&IsMissing=false&UserId=4abc0786ed554e0fadebdd230dc570c3&Fields=Chapters to in 0:00:00.5287132 with Status Code 200

Set up is

DNS Record points to Outside IP
ngnix send to the internal IP and port


External -> FW -> DMZ (172.16.1.x) -> ngnix -> Internal (10.10.x.x)

Server (win10) -> 1GE -> Synology NAS


On first launch, the app asks what server to use. I told it the FQDN, was that correct?

RE: Can not play media new install - bitmap - 2023-11-13

Are you having issues other than the slow HTTP response? Because that warning, if you look closely, is saying it took just over half a second to get the response. If you're not having issues, you can ignore, raise the limit, or disable that warning entirely.

If you see other issues, you can use the IP address of the server internally (i.e., on the same network) which might decrease that response time. You can also investigate hairpin/loopback DNS which will make sure your domain is identified as the IP address of the server when on the same network rather than going out to the Internet to resolve the domain, then pointing back to your external IP, then internal IP (depending on setup).

However, if the only symptom is this warning and you're satisfied with the performance of your server, I'd recommend to stop chasing ghosts.

EDIT: I see the topic says you're unable to play media. Can you post your Jellyfin log (Dashboard > Logs) to a pastebin service? My guess would be if you lose connection to the NFS server, Jellyfin doesn't pick it up when you reconnect.

RE: Can not play media new install - Kevin Cossaboon - 2023-11-13

(2023-11-13, 02:34 PM)bitmap Wrote: EDIT: I see the topic says you're unable to play media. Can you post your Jellyfin log (Dashboard > Logs) to a pastebin service? My guess would be if you lose connection to the NFS server, Jellyfin doesn't pick it up when you reconnect.

This is happening also from BING browser on the PC. I do have the netwroks share availble (SMB) and even localhost.8096 is having the issue.

I see in the share/folder setup there is a way to specify the network server, I am trying that. If that fails I will sign up for a pastebin service.

I had/have Jellfin on a NAS (not the one with the videos) in a Docker Container. Same network config, except the loadbalancer was point to it's IP, and all worked.

Thank You

RE: Can not play media new install - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-13

Definitely need to share more of your log, preferably all of it. Redact any WAN IPs and domain names and upload it to pastebin or sourcebin. If you have any ffmpeg logs, share one of those as well.

RE: Can not play media new install - Kevin Cossaboon - 2023-11-13

(2023-11-13, 03:51 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Definitely need to share more of your log, preferably all of it.  Redact any WAN IPs and domain names and upload it to pastebin or sourcebin.  If you have any ffmpeg logs, share one of those as well.

Made progress. Changed the share from





with the paths in the share, it ingested and was able to play.