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how to skip Ending credits with ConfusedPolarBear - intro-skipper? - Printable Version

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how to skip Ending credits with ConfusedPolarBear - intro-skipper? - Kushal Goaten - 2023-11-13

Hello i am using the plugin  intro-skipper by ConfusedPolarBear and it works very well with intros and was wondering has any1 got this to work with End credits?
I ask this  cuz it says on the GitHub page of the plugin that - Ending credits will only be detected if they are shorter than 4 minutes. so I assumed it can skip ending. 
I have a tv-show that has Ending credits less than 4 mins. the intro skipper skipped the intro fine but didn't skip the ending of that show.

has any1 got this to work?  wat do i need to do to get this to work?
or it doesn't work and i should stop googling it?

RE: how to skip Ending credits with ConfusedPolarBear - intro-skipper? - Ld341 - 2024-03-25

Have exactly same question. With same plugin.
Have you ever figured out a solution?

RE: how to skip Ending credits with ConfusedPolarBear - intro-skipper? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-03-26

No. This plugin, and its forks, currently only handle intros AFAIK.

RE: how to skip Ending credits with ConfusedPolarBear - intro-skipper? - blopp - 2024-03-26

This plugin does Ending credits.