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Problems with Server Install on Windows - Printable Version

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Problems with Server Install on Windows - rich_algeni - 2023-11-13

I apologize if this is in the wrong place, butt I wasn't sure where to put it. This has to do with a Server install on a fresh version of Windows. Basically, I was running into the issue where the page to enter the admin user and password was never displayed. I think I have this pinned down to own specific example of this happening. Although it happened multiple times.

I ended up wiping my Windows 11 Pro machine, as I could not get the admin user name and password page to be displayed, no matter what I did. So, I reloaded Windows 11 Pro, made sure it was up to date, tweaked it the way I wanted, then I created a System Restore point. When I installed Jellyfin Server, I took the default program location, but changed the default database location, as I had an NVME drive set aside for the database, and decided I did not want it on my system drive. After the install was done, the  admin user name and password page would NEVER display. 

I tried reloading the server install, but it still wouldn't work. I then did a System Restore, and installed Jellyfin again, this time taking both defaults. This time I did get the admin user name and password page. I went back and forth with this, sometimes taking the defaults, and sometimes changing the defaults. Whenever I changed the default, the admin user name and password page did NOT display. Each time I accepted the defaults, the admin user name and password page DID display.

I hope this helps to alleviate the issue.

Rich Algeni

RE: Problems with Server Install on Windows - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-13

Are you doing a service install or basic install? I changed my data directory to a non-default path and it worked fine. If you are doing a service install, there are a couple extra steps you need to do to resolve permission issues.

RE: Problems with Server Install on Windows - rich_algeni - 2023-11-14

Basic install.

RE: Problems with Server Install on Windows - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-14

The drive and folder you set aside for the database, does the user running jellyfin have access to it?

RE: Problems with Server Install on Windows - rich_algeni - 2023-11-15

Yes. I should explain, I am a Programmer. I write full stack, including Windows Services, and IIS Filters and Extensions. This is a brand new Windows setup, with Administrator privileges. I created a System Restore point, and rolled back to that restore point with each test. The single variable that changed with taking the default database location, or changing it. This was on the same page as the Program location. I never changed the program location. When I took the default database location, I got the screen to enter an admin user and password. When I changed the default, I didn't. It's just that simple.

RE: Problems with Server Install on Windows - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-15

Have you tried an incognito tab? Or clearing browser cache. Jellyfin does a lot of browser caching and this type of issue happens to people migrating their installs or starting from scratch from a previously working install.

RE: Problems with Server Install on Windows - Venson - 2023-11-15

2 things:

1. Step by Step what did you do to create an environment that does not work, because i was not able to follow your setup instructions
2. A server logfile from an borked install will help very likely

RE: Problems with Server Install on Windows - rich_algeni - 2023-11-16

Step by step: I created a new machine, using an I5-8600, with 32 GB of memory, and a 1 TB NVME c: drive, and 1 TB NVME d: drive. I used Microsoft to download the latest Windows 11 Pro install. I installed all updates available. I customized the install by loading startisback from I uninstalled apps such as teams, xbox and other junk. I rebooted, and logged in with an administrator account.

I then downloaded the latest release of Jellyfin from, 128,683,007 bytes, I verified the checksum with 7z: e892895b5a0e866f86a5efc4ba1ff1a490db8242ab550abbb3e970414e354598. I then created a system restore point.

I installed Jellyfin as a user process, basic install, as recommended. I left the install folder location as set in the default, but I changed the data folder location to my d: drive. See My thought was that I would use d: drive for the database data alone.

I then let the install finish. When changing the data location, I did NOT get this screen:
Instead, Jellyfin went directly to this screen:
When I filled out the media library screen, I was sent directly to the login screen. Where, I couldn't login, since I hadn't created any users. It's blurred out, but it's this screen:

Since I had done this previously, and uninstalls/reinstalls did not fic the issue, I used the system restore point, restored back to just before I had installed. Rebooted, and installed fresh again. This time I left the data location set as the default, and to my delight, I was able to create an admin user.

I checked to make sure I could logout, and back in, and was able to do so. I stopped and restarted Jellyfin, and again, all was fine.

I again did the system restore, back to just before the initial install. I rebooted, logged in, and installed again. Again, I changed the default location of the data folder. Again, I did NOT get the screen to create the admin user.

I followed the same script, alternating between changing the default data folder, and not. It was the ONLY variable I changed. Each time I changed the data folder, I could not get an admin user create screen. Each time I did not change the default data folder, I DID get an admin user create screen.

I know the importance of eliminating possibilities when it comes to troubleshooting. I was the lead support programmer for Bell Atlantic/Verizon 911 systems.

Since my last install was made to be my permanent install, I do not have a logfile for the instances where the install did not work. I'm sorry, I just didn't think of it at the time.

RE: Problems with Server Install on Windows - Venson - 2023-11-20


The web app is prone to cache some stuff, i know there is a bug that you do not get the creation wizzard. Try just CTRL-F5 refreshing the site the first time you enter a new installation and see if that gets you to the instal wizzard