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Books sorting - Printable Version

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Books sorting - happyvoid - 2023-11-15

Organized my audiobooks (all mp3 audio files) as per

├── Audiobooks
│  ├── Author
│  └── (001) Title
│      ├── Chapter1.mp3
│      └── Chapter2.mp3
│  └── (002) Title
│      ├── Chapter1.mp3
│      └── Chapter2.mp3

This seems to work fine and all the audiobooks are showing in the jellyfin libreray I setup for audiobooks.

However the sorting is following an unclear logic. Sort by: name, Sort order: Ascending results in:

(066) Title, (067) Title, (068) Title, (100) Title, (101) Title and much later (069) Title shows up.

The files metadata Sorting fields are empty and I assumed that would result in the album title used for sorting, and that mostly is, but the logic doesn't follow through.

One difference is that while the albums until (068) consist of multiple tracks, album (069) consists of a single track. But why would that influence sorting by name?

For testing I now added "Sort Album" tag to a few albums using the album title already in place, then did a full library rescan, but sorting order remained the same.

Would could I be doing wrong? How can I get all albums to be sorted by name and use correct (as in ascending numbers) sort order?