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How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - Printable Version

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How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - Vikas Nanda - 2023-11-16


How can I add additional hard drives to my Jellyfin server. I am using ubuntu. When I open the files app in ubuntu the drive appears mounted but when I go into the dashboard and libraries section in jellyfin I cannot find them anywhere.

Would really help if this was added to the main site so that users can get this to work, surprised it isn't!

RE: How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-16

Does the Jellyfin user have permissions to access to the path the new hard drive is mounted to?

RE: How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - Vikas Nanda - 2023-11-16

(2023-11-16, 07:15 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Does the Jellyfin user have permissions to access to the path the new hard drive is mounted to?


How can I do this. I am a complete novice when it comes to ubuntu/Linux. 

Thanks in advance

RE: How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-16

You will have to use the command line

sudo ls -l /path/to/new/harddrive

The jellyfin user probably doesn't have permission to read anything on that drive

sudo chgrp -R jellyfin /path/to/new/harddrive
sudo chmod g+rwx /path/to/new/hardrive

RE: How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - Vikas Nanda - 2023-11-16

(2023-11-16, 09:39 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: You will have to use the command line

sudo ls -l /path/to/new/harddrive

The jellyfin user probably doesn't have permission to read anything on that drive

sudo chgrp -R jellyfin /path/to/new/harddrive
sudo chmod g+rwx /path/to/new/hardrive

Thanks I will give this a go later. Do I need to run these commands every time the server restarts?

RE: How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-16

No. If you add new files or directories you will need to do this again.

RE: How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - Vikas Nanda - 2023-11-17


I have executed these commands for one of the drives and the commands have executed ok. When I go back into jellyfin however I still cannot navigate to the actual drive. Any idea what is going wrong?

RE: How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-17

What is the path to your new hard drive?

RE: How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - Vikas Nanda - 2023-11-17

(2023-11-17, 04:22 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: What is the path to your new hard drive?

Under files it has /dev/sdd2 and drive name is seagate

Once I open it is currently has a plex folder structure which I know I will need to some what change

RE: How to add new hard drives to jellyfin using ubuntu - tmsrxzar - 2023-11-17

i am guessing you are new to linux

the 'path to your new drive' would be the 'mount path', the device tree path /dev/sdd* is not a mount path (it's a device tree)

if not already done make sure there is an fstab entry for the new drive, best practice is to mount by uuid so that device tree identifiers changing do not alter mounts -

once you have it auto mounting to a location (mount -a or restart), typically to a path under /mnt/, then you can add that path to Jellyfin

from what i am gathering you are just opening the file explorer and now see your drive, this is not the proper way to set up a mount