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SOLVED: video is really choppy on my phone - Printable Version

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video is really choppy on my phone - DR-BrightClone2 - 2023-07-08

yesterday i finally got jellyfin up and running on my nas but when i watch from my phone the video and sometimes audio is really choppy the video is just a frame and when i tap on the screen to bring up the player menu the video goes to the correct frame for when i taped on the screen. the weird thing is that this thing only happens in the jellyfin app the web works app and web works on other devices. and a third party app (findroid) does connect to my server when i try to connect it just gives me an "unknown error".

RE: video is really choppy on my phone - xaque - 2023-07-08

Had a similar issue, in the client settings I changed the player from web to integrated. That resolved my issue.