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Extras not appearing, naming appears to be correct - Printable Version

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Extras not appearing, naming appears to be correct - abfark - 2023-11-25


I have been trying for a few weeks to solve an issue I’m having with extras (featurettes, trailers, deleted scenes, etc) not appearing in the Jellyfin web UI. I can only locate one film for which this seems to not be the case. Oddly enough, it’s probably the only film that contains a “shorts” folder. I did try to test using a shorts folder for other films, but that didn’t seem to solve the issue. That film is also one of the first that I loaded into Jellyfin a few months ago.

I have tried renaming files with extensions (-featurette, -extra, etc) instead of using folders to no avail. I cannot find a reason for this issue as I have checked the folder structure and naming, so I’m coming here as a last resort.

I just upgraded to Jellyfin 10.8.12 for MacOSX to try to solve the issue to no avail. I am using the web UI. I do have Jellyfin ignore installed, but it is only looking for mkv and iso files, neither of which are the file types that I am using for extras.

Here is the folder that is pulling in the extras correctly:

and one that isn't:

I tried attaching my logs for the past three days, but I'm getting an error message saying that the files are too big for the file type. If they will be useful, I can find another way to share them

Thanks in advance for any help you can give. I’d love to avoid a reinstall if I can!

RE: Extras not appearing, naming appears to be correct - dealie - 2023-11-25

What device are you using for playback? I believe the Roku Jellyfin app may not have the ability to display extras. In my case, I finally figured out that my naming according to conventions DOES work when viewing on my PC with the web client, but they do not display at all when viewing via the Roku.

RE: Extras not appearing, naming appears to be correct - abfark - 2023-11-27

Thanks for your question!

When using the web client/web UI, I don't see any extras except for in the case of one film. This happens regardless of whether I use Safari or Firefox.

RE: Extras not appearing, naming appears to be correct - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-27

File/folder permissions

RE: Extras not appearing, naming appears to be correct - abfark - 2023-11-27

I hadn’t thought of that! All of the permissions for both the folders and the files of my example folders above are identical in the Finder info windows. Do you have a suggestion for a different place to look or to see if what Jellyfin is seeing differs?

Thank you.

RE: Extras not appearing, naming appears to be correct - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-27

You're following the docs and you said the permissions are correct. Definitely weird.

RE: Extras not appearing, naming appears to be correct - flymetothemoon - 2023-11-27

Hey, make sure each movie has it's own folder and in the folder make folder named "Featurettes" next to the movie and put all your extras in "Featurettes"

Make sure it's "Featurettes" and not "Featurette"

For me this was the only way to display extras for movies, nothing else worked.

RE: Extras not appearing, naming appears to be correct - abfark - 2023-11-29

Thanks, flymetothemoon. Here is a text example of what my folder structure looks like since the photos I shared don't seem to work on mobile:

---A Bugs Life (1998 ) [imdbid-tt0120623]
----A Bugs Life (1998 ) [imdbid-tt0120623].m4v
-----Geris Game.m4v (this file appears in the web UI as an extra)

---A League of Their Own (1992) [imdbid-tt0104694]
----A League of Their Own (1992) [imdbid-tt0104694] - 2160p.mp4
-----Nine Memorable Innings.mp4 (this file does not appear as an extra)

As you can see, naming the extras folder "featurettes" doesn't seem to be working. Certainly a vexxing issue since the usual fixes don't seem to work. I'm wondering if there's a setting somewhere that I changed that caused this shift in between my earliest additions to my server and everything after since I haven't been able to track anything down.