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HDHR's not detected - Printable Version

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HDHR's not detected - Sam Greco - 2023-12-01

I am trying to setup the LiveTV and DVR functions in JF and having issues.  When I try to initiate detection, it just spins forever.  Left it running over 12 hours.  Still just spins.

I have 2 tuners.  One HDHR5-4US Connect Quatro and one HDHR4-2US Connect.  Both have the latest firmware.  And both function fine in Channels DVR.

Logs show that JF sees them:

[2023-12-01 11:01:09.650 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Remove Old Sync Data"
[2023-12-01 11:01:09.650 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "RetentionTask"
[2023-12-01 11:01:09.650 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Remove Old Sync Data"
[2023-12-01 11:01:09.650 -06:00] [INF] Retention deletion not possible if retention days is set to zero!
[2023-12-01 11:01:09.650 -06:00] [INF] "Remove Old Sync Data" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
[2023-12-01 11:01:09.650 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2023-12-01 11:06:39.650 -06:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Refresh Guide"
[2023-12-01 11:06:39.650 -06:00] [INF] Queuing task "RefreshGuideScheduledTask"
[2023-12-01 11:06:39.650 -06:00] [INF] Executing "Refresh Guide"
[2023-12-01 11:06:42.651 -06:00] [INF] Discovered tuner device "HD Homerun" at ""
[2023-12-01 11:06:42.652 -06:00] [INF] Discovered tuner device "HD Homerun" at ""
[2023-12-01 11:06:42.652 -06:00] [INF] Discovered tuner device "HD Homerun" at ""
[2023-12-01 11:06:42.652 -06:00] [INF] Discovered tuner device "HD Homerun" at ""
[2023-12-01 11:06:42.652 -06:00] [INF] Refreshing guide with 14 days of guide data
[2023-12-01 11:06:42.652 -06:00] [INF] "Refresh Guide" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 3 seconds
[2023-12-01 11:06:42.652 -06:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks

Any clues would be appreciated.