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Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - Printable Version

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Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - JohnBee - 2023-12-04

Hello everyone,
I want to create a Christmas specials collection. It'll basically be a virtual TV show in which I stick copies of Christmas episodes of the shows I have.
Instead of wasting space on duplicating the files, I was thinking of using symlinks this way :
Show 1 > Season x > Episode xxxx.mp4 and .nfo -> Symlink to -> Christmas Show > Season 01 > Episode 1.mp4 and .nfo
I tried that and the video couldnt play.
Should symlink inside the docker or from the host ? Is this idea even going to work ?

RE: Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - Venson - 2023-12-04


Why not just create a collection?

RE: Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - JohnBee - 2023-12-04

What exactly do you mean ? I do create a collection, but I dont want to duplicate the media files (approximately 500mb per video), I want to use symlinks to point to their original location.

RE: Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - Venson - 2023-12-04

Collections are just that, a list of movies you can use to organize in jellyfin.
No file duplication involved

RE: Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - JohnBee - 2023-12-04

Let's say I already have a collection with my TV shows. I want to create a new collection for only Christmas specials. How would I go to have that collection, with only Christmas episodes from the shows in my main collection ?

RE: Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-04

Go can add individual episodes from your library to a collection. And also movies.

You would need to create a new collection or remove everything you don't want currently in your collection.

RE: Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - JohnBee - 2023-12-04

Would the collection be available for all users and hideable by the admin account ?

RE: Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-04

In the User Dashboard, you can prevent any/all users from seeing Collections, in General.  But you can't prevent users from seeing a specific collection.


RE: Use symlinks on videos files and NFO files ? - tmsrxzar - 2023-12-04

(2023-12-04, 03:58 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: In the User Dashboard, you can prevent any/all users from seeing Collections, in General.  But you can't prevent users from seeing a specific collection.

true, with an exception

you can create multiple collections libraries and have each user see a specific one so that they only see "their" collections
im not sure how to do this "from the gui" but i did this manually like this

on the drive, duplicate the existing collections folder inside the jellyfin config folder
go to dashboard -> libraries -> add library
on the first screen where it says to select a type "movies", "shows" etc, do not select anything and leave it blank
for the folder select the duplicated collections folder on the drive

when finished you will have 2 different (or more) collections on in your libraries which you can select which users can see each
in appearance i think everything works normal from there but i also manually edit the xml files so i only assume adding/removing to collections works like normal
a bit of work i wish had native functionality but in the end it's fine