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Connection Failure - Printable Version

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Connection Failure - VP Lex - 2023-12-06

I have a selfhosted jellyfin media server in <ip>:8096 (http) and <ip>:8920 (https). using ubuntu. These ports are forwarded in the router also to access my media server outside home. When I access my jellyfin media server through browser with http://<ip>:8096 or https:<ip>:8920 both works flawlessly. From home, I can use both public and local ip and both works. From outside my home network, using public ip works.

I installed Jellyfin clients in my windows pc as well as iphone. When I give the <ip>:<port> for http or https, I get a message stating this:

Connection Failure

We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again

I tried both <local ip>:8096 from home, https://<public ip>:8920 from home and outside. it doesn't work. But from browser I can access.

Steps I took so far:
1. I set my wifi to private in Windows. that also doesn't help
2. I had firewall set in server. made sure 8096 and 8920 are allowed in server (browser working makes sure that these ports are allowed in server and router) using ufw
3. Disabled firewall in ubuntu server completely and tried to connect to server from windows client. not working.

Is it that I need a domain and ssl certificate to make it work?

RE: Connection Failure - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-06

Did you "Require HTTPS" in the Networking Dashboard?

RE: Connection Failure - VP Lex - 2023-12-07

Yes I did. I also have allowed remote connections. Seems the clients work only if I have domain name and not ip address servers though the client says I can provide ip addresses. Jellyfin clients (ios, android, windows or anything) requires proper domain and ssl certificates to work.

RE: Connection Failure - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-07

When you say that it works "flawlessly" with the IP address in a browser, does that mean you don't get a warning about the cert?  Or do you get a warning?  I'm assuming that the fact you are REQUIRING https, http will get redirected to https. if you use the IP it isn't going to match the domain address in your cert.  Non-browser apps won't be able to handle that.