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WAN Access - Printable Version

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WAN Access - conor - 2023-12-08

Performance is very slow when behind a Caddy reverse proxy and accessed through the Android app, 1.5Mbps versus 150Mbps of available bandwidth.

Accessing through the Kodi addon on the same Android device performs as expected.

I changed the router DNS provider from Cloudfare to Quad9 and that fixed the download performance on the Android app but streaming remains the same.

Accessing the server through the IP address/ port directly performs as expected.

The server is bare metal on Debian connected to an OpenWRT based router.

Log {
    reverse_proxy localhost:8096
} {
    rewrite /.well-known/carddav /remote.php/dav
    rewrite /.well-known/caldav /remote.php/dav

    reverse_proxy localhost:81

RE: WAN Access - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-08

Are you using a cloudflare tunnel or something?

RE: WAN Access - conor - 2023-12-08

No, I've a static IP address. The behaviour is inconsistent, I think it's just the live tv streaming now.

I've issues with other services as well, I'll test with a laptop rather than a phone and try to narrow things down.

RE: WAN Access - conor - 2023-12-09

It is something peculiar to the Android phone and live tv streaming. I shared the phone's 4G connection to a laptop and the performance was good in a browser (peak of 60Mbps). The same live tv stream in the phone itself is throttled to about 1.5Mbs. Playing from library performs well though.