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Unable to give Jellyfin access to external storage on Ubuntu - Printable Version

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Unable to give Jellyfin access to external storage on Ubuntu - bub1401 - 2023-12-13

Over the last week I have been trying to setup Jellyfin on my Ubuntu computer and the server itself is up and running but the content I am trying to access is on an external hard drive. Jellyfin seems unable to access that drive even after giving read access to "Other" users and restarting the service, rebolying my computer and uninstalling and reinstalling Jellyfin several times.

RE: Unable to give Jellyfin access to external storage on Ubuntu - tmsrxzar - 2023-12-13

several questions here;
how is the drive being mounted?
where is the drive being mounted?
what filesystem is on the drive?
does jellyfin have permissions to the files/folders on the drive?
(what user does jellyfin run as and does that user have permission)

RE: Unable to give Jellyfin access to external storage on Ubuntu - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-13

What are the mount parameters?

cat /proc/mounts

RE: Unable to give Jellyfin access to external storage on Ubuntu - bub1401 - 2023-12-13

(2023-12-13, 05:19 PM)tmsrxzar Wrote: several questions here;
how is the drive being mounted?
where is the drive being mounted?
what filesystem is on the drive?
does jellyfin have permissions to the files/folders on the drive?
(what user does jellyfin run as and does that user have permission)

It is being mounted using Ubuntu Dekstop’s default settings at /dev/sdd1, and accessible from /media/<myusername>/<thedrivesname>. The drive uses NTFS as the rile system. And i assumed if “Other” users have read access that would include jellyfin.

(2023-12-13, 05:22 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: What are the mount parameters?

cat /proc/mounts

The drive parameters are rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1000

RE: Unable to give Jellyfin access to external storage on Ubuntu - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-13

(2023-12-13, 05:24 PM)bub1401 Wrote: The drive parameters are rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1000

Change the parameters to "defaults".  Let me know if you need help doing that.  Also make sure there aren't any ACLs.

RE: Unable to give Jellyfin access to external storage on Ubuntu - tmsrxzar - 2023-12-13

uid,gid should be jellyfin's uid,gid not the default user's
potential issues being mounted to /(yourusername)/ as that location is likely only accessible to your user
NTFS can have issues on linux since it uses windows permissions on the files instead of linux

for best results; have fstab mount the drive instead of autofs, use EXT4 and have all the permissions setup
if you need dual permissions then acls can be used to grant extra users

try the fstab method first and perhaps it won't "have to be" formatted if we can get linux to mount it accessible to the jellyfin user

last note for posterity;
jellyfin should also only be ran as a restrictive user which does not have access to anything more than is required for operation