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Roku cannot connect - Printable Version

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Roku cannot connect - PrimalCast - 2023-12-13

So I've had my server up and running for months. Everyone I give access to connects without issue.... except my gf.

She used to be able to use it. Then one day, it disconnected and I've never gotten her connected again. It used to be a connection error 500 or something similar. After many ideas, I finally factory reset her router and started fresh, but this only changed the error. Now it says "Server not found, is it connected?". It says this whole her cellphone, connected to her same home wifi, is browsing the server.

I've reset the Roku network connection and restarted it. I've factory reset the router. I have no idea what's stopping her from being able to connect. Even Emby gives the same error, but the server is running fine.

Someone please help.

RE: Roku cannot connect - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-13

So only the Roku client is having trouble connecting?

Can you share your server log with us?

What version of Jellyfin are you running and on what OS?

RE: Roku cannot connect - PrimalCast - 2023-12-13

So yes, it's only the Roku client and only at her house. Her iPhone client connects just fine on the same wifi.

I'm running JF 10.8.13 on Linux. It's running as a docker container.

I'll gladly provide the logs, just remind me how to properly access them to share here

Thanks in advance, this has been ongoing and she's the only person having issues

RE: Roku cannot connect - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-13

The logs are accessible from the dashboard or from the file system. /config/data/log is the container path.

What version of the Roku app is installed?

RE: Roku cannot connect - PrimalCast - 2023-12-13

The roku app version should be the latest as i removed and reinstalled it today. I dont have access to the version at the moment.

hopefully this log is correct

RE: Roku cannot connect - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-13

I see a lot of this, but no obvious cause since this can happen for a bunch of reasons.

"CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid token."

Reset your GF's password and have her log back in on all her devices.

RE: Roku cannot connect - PrimalCast - 2023-12-13

that's the problem...she can't. the only device that even hits the server is her phone.

When i give the address to the says it can't find the server. But her phone, on the same wifi, finds it just fine. All I get from the Roku is 'Can't find server, is it online?'.

Nobody else has a problem connecting except her on her roku devices. my father has a roku device that connects fine. I even went as far as resetting the network settings on the roku devices too

RE: Roku cannot connect - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-13

Is the Roku, itself, up-to-date? I'm wondering if it doesn't trust your cert due to it not trusting Google's cert.

Has your GF's Roku ever been able to connect via https? Or only since you got your current cert on the 28th of Nov?

RE: Roku cannot connect - PrimalCast - 2023-12-13

As far as im aware both are up to date. It was previously able to connect via https. Then one day she said she went to open it and she had been kicked out....ever since i've never gotten her devices to connect to the server again.

Previously it gave a connection error all the time. finally, i gave it and reset her router in the hopes it would clear whatever was blocking her from connecting. Now it just refuses to locate the server at all

RE: Roku cannot connect - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-14

What model Roku?