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.lrc support coming soong? - Printable Version

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.lrc support coming soong? - 655321 - 2023-07-12

I have a huge music library (see     ) and love reading/singing along to synced lyrics when I play music.
I even create and sync lyrics for songs that I like which do not have lyrics available online.

On my desktop I'm using MusicBee to create/sync/edit lyrics, which are then stored as .lrc files beside the songs they belong to.
On android I've been using Plexamp so far, which is also able to display external lyrics from .lrc files.
However Plexamp does not properly support multi value album artist tags which is why I'd like to switch to Symfonium using the Jellyfin API, which does support them.

[/url][url=]The last answers to this request suggest that Jellyfin might soon support lyrics.
However this PR on github was already merged to master, making me think it already does?

Which makes me wonder if the API already supports lyrics, and if so, in what way?
I've recently tried out Symfonium on android and the developer Tolriq told me that Symfonium would be able to handle embedded lyrics.

Does Jellyfin's API currently support embedded lyrics which 3rd party players like Symfonium can use?

When will Jellyfin probably support external lyrics from .lrc and .txt files?

I have created a few programs/scripts that would enable me to only open the 6,818 tracks in my library which have .lrc files in mp3tag to embed those tags for only these songs.
I'd only do that as a last resort tho because I prefer having lyrics and art separate from the music files and am quite happy with using .lrc and .txt files instead of tags.

If I were to do this, which tags would I have to use for Jellyfin to support the lyrics?
I've read somewhere to use the "lyrics" tag for synced lyrics in flac files and the "SYLT" tag for mp3s.

RE: .lrc support coming soong? - niels - 2023-07-12

Jellyfin 10.9 will have lyrics support. Work is still being done so the following list might not be accurate when the release hits. Right now we have:

- Support for lrc/elrc
- Reading from file system
- Support in API

And work is being done on:

- Reading embedded lyrics
- Plugin support for lyrics (e.g. provide lyrics from different places)
- Showing lyrics in the web client

And personally I'm planning to add support to the Android TV app.

RE: .lrc support coming soong? - 655321 - 2023-07-12

Lovely. Then I won't bother changing that many of my songs by embedding lyrics needlessly. Thanks!

RE: .lrc support coming soong? - Chaphasilor - 2023-07-17

Hi, just wanted to add a few things:

1. Symfonium's lyric support seems to be hit-or-miss. I went back and forth with Tolriq a few months ago and he managed to add support for my embedded lyrics, including synced lyrics, but that broke in a later update. Now all my embedded lyrics are shown without timestamps, even though it worked just fine before. I might have to ask him about that again...
2. There are tools that let you scan your file system for music files, and add any .lrc files with the same name as embedded lyrics. If you're interested, I can look up the one I used and send you my config (I'm using Windows)
3. I'm also trying to get Finamp to support lyrics as part of its redesign. If all goes well, that should be ready before 10.9 is released Smiling-face

RE: .lrc support coming soong? - 655321 - 2023-07-17

Oh well, as I was not aware of the tools you describe I created a way to embed the lyrics for only the files which have matching .lrc files myself.

First step was to search for ".lrc" limited to my music folders with Voidtools Everything and to copy all file-paths of the results to a text document.

Then I wrote a few python scripts that
a) check that every .lrc file in that .txt file either has a matching mp3 or flac file (turned out I had 200ish orphaned lyrics files I had to fix) and
b) open all flac and mp3 files which do have corresponding .lrc files in mp3-tag via the cli.

The opening part took around 15min for the 6,818 tracks that do have matching .lrc files when I tested it.
Everything left to do at that point would have been to use a bog standard mp3-tag action to import the lyrics into the corresponding tag field(s).

I'd like to avoid doing that tho.
a) I don't want an entire song to get backed up anew because I changed the spelling in a single word of the embedded lyrics.
b) my entire existing workflow creates and edits .lrc files instead of the tags.

Thanks for offering tho.

I just wish jellyfin had better performance for huge libraries like mine. It takes 13+ seconds until all my libraries even show up when I open jellyfin (matters not if in a browser or the desktop program).

It's only somewhat usable with Symfonium because that only relies on the api and creates it's own database wich reacts quickly.