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SOLVED: Tonemapping - Printable Version

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Tonemapping - Fran314 - 2023-12-15

I am having troubles with tonemapping from HDR to I suppose SDR

I am using the latest version of the official docker container and I am successfully using Intel QSV hardware acceleration for transcoding in general.

According to the official documentation on tonemapping (which to be fair is only two sentences and a table) I should be able to use tonemapping, yet even with "Enable tone mapping" enabled in Dashboard > Playback, when I watch HDR content it still appears washed out and gray-ish.

This happens both from the web-interface client on my laptop and on the Jellyfin app for the Fire Stick.

I don't really know where to start troubleshooting... I looked at the logs but I can't find any mention of tonemapping

Any idea? thanks!

RE: Tonemapping - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-15

What are your hardware specs for your server and what OS is it running?

RE: Tonemapping - Fran314 - 2023-12-16

OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 6.6.3-arch1-1
CPU: Intel Pentium Silver J5040 (4) @ 3.200GHz
GPU: Intel GeminiLake [UHD Graphics 605]
Memory: 8GB

I updated the docker image to the latest a couple of days ago, but if it's needed I can find out which version it is exactly

RE: Tonemapping - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-16

Is this the latest official image or latest image?

RE: Tonemapping - Fran314 - 2023-12-17

The official image, that is jellyfin/jellyfin:latest. More precisely the one with Image ID 544d674913bc, although I see that it's only very recent (2 weeks ago), not the actual latest

RE: Tonemapping - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-17

I should have asked this in the beginning. Is the content direct playing on the client? Tone mapping on the server only happens with transcoding.

RE: Tonemapping - Fran314 - 2023-12-17

It is transcoding and the given reason is that the audio codec (AAC I think) is not supported. Must it be a video-related transcoding for the tonemapping to happen or should it happen even in this case (audio-related)?

RE: Tonemapping - cifri - 2023-12-17

I experience the same dullness. I still understand that it is gray during Direct playback, but if I force the transcoding, the image still remains gray.

RE: Tonemapping - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-17

If only the audio is transcoding that should mean the video is direct playing. Can you share your ffmpeg log associated with this playback? That would confirm what is actually being done.

(2023-12-17, 06:12 PM)cifri Wrote: I experience the same dullness. I still understand that it is gray during Direct playback, but if I force the transcoding, the image still remains gray.

Can you start your own thread?  So there aren't two separate, but similar, conversations in one thread.

RE: Tonemapping - cifri - 2023-12-17

(2023-12-17, 06:44 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: If only the audio is transcoding that should mean the video is direct playing.  Can you share your ffmpeg log associated with this playback?  That would confirm what is actually being done.

(2023-12-17, 06:12 PM)cifri Wrote: I experience the same dullness. I still understand that it is gray during Direct playback, but if I force the transcoding, the image still remains gray.

Can you start your own thread?  So there aren't two separate, but similar, conversations in one thread.

I tried to play it in a browser, I lowered the video quality again to make sure it would be transcoded.
I attached the log

but I also tried it with a Windows client, then the HDR SDR tonemapping worked fine (after I manually switched it from Direct play)...
(a small point of interest is that the film, which exists in three versions, refused to start in the 4k version, but automatically switched back to the 1080p HDR version..)