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How to correctly add BDMVs / BluRays - Printable Version

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How to correctly add BDMVs / BluRays - Lynxes Exe - 2023-12-16

Hello everyone!

I've been struggling for a while now to add BDMVs and BluRays (TV Shows) to my Jellyfin collection, the reason why is that Jellyfin scans for every m2ts file and "takes for granted" that I want to see it, even though most of them are actually "trash" (ex: ads, notices, menus, etc).

I've been googling around and I found out some code and PRs relative to BluRays and DVDs playback, I've found some people mentioning .NFO files with the name index.nfo and I have seen people mention that Jellyfin "does not play the correct playlist", but none of this makes sense to me.

In my case it looks like Jellyfin is just looking m2ts files and is ignoring the index.bdmv file or any playlist, it just looks for video files and makes them available; it even adds an .nfo file for every m2ts file  present in the STREAM directory.

Is this due to a configuration error, should I manually add an NFO file? (and if so, what should it look like?) Or are BDMVs not really supported aside from opening the m2ts files and therefore some more development is necessary?

I wanted to clarify before spending more time navigating the large code base or googling for a solution that doesn't exist. I would also like to contribute to the documentation is the solution is already available.

I'm aware that a possible solution is to convert the directories to .mkv, I would prefer to keep the original .bdmv structure.

Thanks in advance!

RE: How to correctly add BDMVs / BluRays - tmsrxzar - 2024-01-09


i am rather curious about this as well, does anyone have any info on this?

nevermind, it's faster to find out for myself
seems to work fine, opens it as a "bluray:" with ffmpeg and remuxes to the client, both iso and raw BDMV folder structure straight from makemkv
following the normal naming and it scans fine


the web player from the web interface warns it can't decrypt even though it doesn't need to, plays fine, seeking works but takes ~2s to catchup
the zidoo fork of the android client plays fine, no seekbar available, time stays at 00:00/00:00 (very likely it's the fork's fault), saves a resume point when stopped but cannot actually resume from that timestamp

didn't try any other clients, tested both 4K UHD and regular 1080p BluRay backups

RE: How to correctly add BDMVs / BluRays - LynxesExe - 2024-03-09

Hello, sorry I... embarassingly lost access to my previous account.

There were several things that were wrong about my original post which I later found out by trial and error and by looking through the code and the SQLite DB and simply by updating Jellyfin to experimental.

Jellyfin works fine, as reported by @tmsrxzar as long as you are playing a movie, but there is a caveat:
- Obviously the media cannot be DRM protected, but this was pretty obvious from the start
- Your client needs to be compatible with the various required codecs (hevc/avc for video and the various dolby stuff for audio)
- If you want to direct play (or rather, Remux on the fly), the user you are using must NOT have permission to encode streams, while having permission to transcode streams.

The third point is the one that I was stuck at, Jellyfin can and will remux, it seems however that if it can transcode, it will do that instead... most of the time. Sometimes if the profile is set to _"Auto"_ it will Remux.

It would be nice if there was a way to force Remuxing, like an extra option on the quality settings, aside from 4K and Auto, there should be 4k, Auto, Remux.

I tried using the official Jellyfin app on Windows (aka MPV), Edge however got stuck (likely due to lack of codec support).

Actual Issues
At the moment aside from this annoying but very much manageable minor bug, the major problem lies in Jellyfin dealing with shows in BDMV format.

It seems to me that Jellyfin just isn't capable to recognize episodes in BDMVs, it will scan the playlists, find the longest one (which usually is a playlist playing all the episodes back to back) and that's what you'll be watching, it won't be able to figure out what BDMVs contain which episodes or which Extras, nor can you manually specify it.

It's usable but it's not great.

I understand that finding out what a BDMV contains can be either very hard or impossible, but it would be nice if the user could specify to Jellyfin what a BDMV contains either manually by selecting a video stream and labeling it as an episode or extra (not pretty, but better than how it is now) or by automatically figuring it out by having some sort of convention in the name, for example:

Shows/Penny Dreadful/Season 1/DISC_1-EP01-04/BDMV
Shows/Penny Dreadful/Season 1/DISC_2-EP05-08/BDMV

At that point it would be a matter of reading the directory name and parsing what episodes are container, so according to the first example it would be 4 episodes; then sorting all the streams in the BDMV by longest to shortest, removing the first one (which is likely just playing all the episodes back to back) and there you have the 4 episodes... in theory, possibly unordered.

(I'm looking to implement this but I'm not exactly knowledgeable about C# nor do I know the Jellyfin codebase, so for now it's quite a struggle)