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video library added as photo type some folders missing?? - Printable Version

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video library added as photo type some folders missing?? - megatron_lives - 2023-12-16

Hi all

I've setup my jellyfin server on the dietpi x64 OS and have added all my videos as photos content type as I don't want scrapping; I just want to view the files as in a file explorer. However, some folders arent displayed. Most are perfect; as in the original folder structure, they display as title-> Season-> and episodes, but some do not. I have my south park folder organised as above with the movie in the root of the south park folder and all jellyfin sees is the movie as a single item, no folders for the whole 23 series or what not.

Can anyone please suggest somethings to try to troubleshoot please?


RE: video library added as photo type some folders missing?? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-16

File/folder permissions?

RE: video library added as photo type some folders missing?? - megatron_lives - 2023-12-17

(2023-12-16, 07:11 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: File/folder permissions?

What recommended permissions should be set as 'standard' ?

RE: video library added as photo type some folders missing?? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-17

I mean, are the permissions on the working files any different than the files that aren't?

RE: video library added as photo type some folders missing?? - megatron_lives - 2023-12-17

(2023-12-17, 12:56 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: I mean, are the permissions on the working files any different than the files that aren't?

I see, well, the permissions all looked ok, but as a test I changed all videos in the root to 777 and that seems to have fixed it for the south park folder, but others still have the same issues. I'll experiment with renaming and folder structure too and and see what happens.

I also have some issues with it ignoring 'extra' folders as sub folders - any suggestions?

RE: video library added as photo type some folders missing?? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-17

How are your extras organized and named? Follow the documentation here for extras.