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SOLVED: Migrating / Moving Server From Windows 10 to Windows 11 - Printable Version

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Migrating / Moving Server From Windows 10 to Windows 11 - farmermaker - 2023-12-17

Hi there,

I'm looking to move my Jellyfin server from W10 to W11. I copied the server files from CConfused-face/Program Files folder from W10 and placed in CConfused-face/ProgramData. Jellyfin shows me there's a server but I cannot connect to it. The error message says: "We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again."

What am I missing?

Thanks for the help.

RE: Migrating / Moving Server From Windows 10 to Windows 11 - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-17

Why did you copy the files from Program Files on W10 to ProgramData on W11? Completely different folders.

You should be copying ProgramData to ProgramData. Whatever you are seeing in the browser is almost certainly in your browser cache.

On W11, install Jellyfin server from the EXE.
Stop Jellyfin
Copy the ProgramData folder from W10 to ProgramData on W11.
Start Jellyfin.

RE: Migrating / Moving Server From Windows 10 to Windows 11 - farmermaker - 2023-12-18

I missed it in ProgramData at first. I followed your instructions and got it working in a private window. Thanks for the help!