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Blu ray rips importing with the same weird title - Printable Version

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Blu ray rips importing with the same weird title - CharlesS - 2023-12-18

Just started using Jellyfin a few weeks ago and I'm having an issue with movies.

When I rip a blu ray and place it in my media folder it always populates the title as New Scooby Doo movies. Ive done this probably 6 or 7 times and the result is the same. I don't have an issue
with shows, just movies.

RE: Blu ray rips importing with the same weird title - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-18

Did you rename the files after ripping them?

Are your shows and movies in the same library or separate libraries?

RE: Blu ray rips importing with the same weird title - CharlesS - 2023-12-18

I did not rename the files. My drive detected the name and added that to the file for me.

Shows and movies in separate libraries. After the weirdness happened in the Movies library I added them to the Shows library and that did not fix the issue.

RE: Blu ray rips importing with the same weird title - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-18

Can you provide some examples files names? Does each movie have its own folder?