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Webhook SMTP Notifications - Printable Version

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Webhook SMTP Notifications - Roach - 2023-12-19

I successfully got SMTP notifications working via the Webhook Plugin.

But I'm having trouble understanding the interaction between the: 
"Notification Type:" list within the SMTP menu of the plugin 
and the 
"Advanced - Notifications" server settings 

If I enable "notification type: generic" in the plugin, I get two SMTP notifications, but if I disable "notification type: generic" in the plugin, I don't get any notifications at all. 

What is the interaction between those two menus?

Please let me know if any more info is helpful.



I just noticed, one of the notifications is from "Username: admin" while the other is from "Username: Roach"
And those items are from the template item: Username: {{{Username}}}

RE: Webhook SMTP Notifications - crobibero - 2023-12-19

The first menu (in the plugin) configures which notification types are sent to the destination.

The second menu globally configures what notification types are enabled.