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3 Issues with Jellyfin - Printable Version

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3 Issues with Jellyfin - Rhor - 2023-12-20


New Jellyfin user here.

I got Jellyfin running on a Qnap TS-264 without a container.

1. I reseted Firefox on my Windows machine and now when I try to log in into the server app via the Qnap interface, my login credentials do not work, and I have no option to reset the password.
"Invalid username or password. Please try again." is the message I get.

I am attempting to SSH into the configuration files via PuTTY, but I can't find the Jellyfin configuration folder to access system.xml to edit "<IsStartupWizardCompleted>true</IsStartupWizardCompleted>" so I can create a new user.
If someone can let me know the right path to find the file, please?.

2. Once that is solved, I have another issue where Movies get automatically identified but no TV Shows.
The naming scheme I use is, by example:

- Movies:
Parent Folder: "Kill Bill - Vol. 2 (2004) {tmdb-393}" 
Movie File: "Kill Bill - Vol. 2 (2004).mkv"

- TV Shows:
Parent Folder: "Wednesday {tvdb-397060}" 
Seasons Folder: "Season 01"
Movie File: "Wednesday - S01E03 - Friend or Woe.mkv"

I have to go to each new TV Show I add to the library and manually select "Identify" to fetch the show information.
What can I do for Jellyfin to identify new TV Shows automatically, like it does for Movies?

3. One last question. I got the official Jellyfin client on a Chromecast with Google TV.
Are there any clients that support Themes?, I really don't want to try Kodi again, I did not have a good experience.

Thank you for any help.

RE: 3 Issues with Jellyfin - tmsrxzar - 2023-12-20

issue 2: use square brackets not curly ones around the id, "tvdb" is not correct and should be "tvdbid"; see (green note at the top)

RE: 3 Issues with Jellyfin - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-20

1. You would have to find documentation from whoever maintains QNAP's "app" version of Jellyfin. On a bare metal linux system, the system.xml file is in /etc/jellyfin, in a container it is in (I think) the container path /config/data.

3. AFAIK, the Android TV client does not support themes at this time. Other than the official Android TV client, Kodi is the only other client that natively supports Jellyfin (with plugins).

RE: 3 Issues with Jellyfin - Rhor - 2023-12-21

Thank you for your answers.
1. I was able to find the file but no success when changing the setting, I just reinstalled the server and client.

2. Thank you for the link. Jellyfin identifies Movies with no issue, no TV shows. I will change the brackets.

3. I think I will stick with the Official client then, thank you for your support.