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Custom Subtitles - Printable Version

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Custom Subtitles - bastrazu - 2023-12-22

Ive been using Home Media Server but am having trouble getting that to read external drive since Im now on Manjaro since it uses RUN/media/drivename as vitual. So no matter what I put in it, when I reboot, its goneburger! And now, for some reason it wont even read a mounted external drive.  So Im trying this, BUT, in Home Media Server, I can use my own subtitle files for movies.  Is it possible to do that in Jellyfish or must it depend on the metadata it downloads? If its dependent on downloading it where I cant read my own file, then its of no use to me
thank you

RE: Custom Subtitles - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-22

You can use external subs. Documented here.

You should mount the hard drive using /etc/fstab instead of an app if the hard drive will be permanently attached to the server.

RE: Custom Subtitles - bastrazu - 2023-12-22

Thank you so much for the link. Thrilled to bits it is possible! As for the mounting issues, I am using fstab and have them auto mounted to /media/external BUT Manjaro does some stupid thing under the guise of it being for security where they use a "virtual" setup for external drives where they virtualise the "media" folder thats specifically for externals and changes it to "run/media" So Home Media Server DUMPS all my videos every time I reboot. I can in fstab, mount externals under /mnt/ and it works fine, BUT Ive read you only mount internal drives to mnt. Interesting that This program though seems to perhaps read the fstab setting and not the annoying manjaro virtual setup for externals behind "run/media". Its so hard trying to google it because manjaro support always refers to a level 3 difficulty tutorial on external drives that has no substance to help with this issue lol BUT, I do prefer Manjaro itself. This is the only issue I do have with Manjaro. Other than that, I much prefer it than Mint. Thank you for the link, much appreciated

Oh, and one cool thing with Home Media Server over this one is how you can structure folders. Like I have a Favourite folder and under than can have my own folders like by genre that then has genres in it, or by year with the years in it. I can have my own "categories" like cartoons then have a folder for my son and a folder for me and list our own in them. You do this simply by dragging a movie into the created folder with subfolders. I cant see a way to do that with this. I can create a folder but not "sub folder"?

RE: Custom Subtitles - bastrazu - 2023-12-22

Ok, I have read it, and still have issues. Since I have been using home media server which is based on the same setup. I have ever single video that has subtitles already in their own folders with subtitle files that are identical to the movie file name wise. But Im not getting any subtitles loading. I will go through the settings and turn off all the ones that use external metadata and reboot

RE: Custom Subtitles - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-22

Make sure that the jellyfin user has read permissions to all the subtitle files.