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Libraries - Movies vs Shows - enesha - 2023-12-22

Morning all

     Thanks again for previous help on here.  I have a few other thoughts/questions but I think i'll sprinkle them about for ease of use.  So right now I'm asking about libraries. Here's the sitch:

     I have many libraries, but right now I'm only concerned with two:  I have Holiday Movies and Holiday T V libraries.  They are set up as you would expect.  Movies and Shows, respectively.  So I encountered this problem last year, but didn't have the gumption or inclination to deal with it until now.

     Things in Holiday Movies seem to work as expected.  When I tried to place things like the Peanuts holiday episodes in Holiday TV, simply nothing happens. I sort of expected that if there was some problem, the items should be displayed in a generic form, in the way that things that normally cant be auto identified appear, generically and they wait for you to match or edit, etc etc.  I would drop things into the directories for TV and nothing ever appeared.  I didn't even see things in the log, actually, but it's pretty big so i may have missed things.  I experimented with the mixed style and some things did show up, but with weird icons.  Placing the peanuts shows in Movies did result in a match, and showing up.

     Is this the desired/expected behaviour?  Does this mean then, that there are potentially other things, in other libraries that might be being silently ignored?  I noticed a weird glitch with some south park that might be related.  I've had Bigger longer, uncut for a while, but I recently added Panderverse and the Not safe for kids one.  When I went to watch Panderverse, it didn't show up in the list on my Roku.  I was able to eventually find it via the web ui, and I did need to fix the match/identify, then it showed up.  Dunno, maybe related, maybe not.

Anyway just curious.  I know it's pretty late in the game to be polishing Holiday libraries, but hey better late, right? Oh and just in case it matters, I'm using 10.8.13 on Linux

Thanks *edit* Added Version Info

RE: Libraries - Movies vs Shows - Venson - 2023-12-22

Hey there,

Ok thats a lot to unpack.
The difference between Movies and Series is twofold, first the internal parser expects series to named in a totally different way then movies and second jellyfin uses totally different metadata providers for either. That is the reason why if you throw series style media into a movies library, they get ignored as they dont match the expected naming scheme nor have any metadata.

Mixed Libraries are a mess and we generally do not recommend using them. Just ignore their existence.

Also just to clarify things a but, do you access your media via a network share? because if so, the real time file notification system will not work and you have to use something like AutoScan

RE: Libraries - Movies vs Shows - 5197799 - 2023-12-22

I really hope Mixed Libraries don't go away. This is the way I manage both my movies and TV shows, and it works for me really well.
They key is to let both Sonarr and Radarr create NFO files for each piece of media. Once that's set up, there'll be no issues for Jellyfin labeling my media properly.

RE: Libraries - Movies vs Shows - Venson - 2023-12-22

Well from a support and dev standpoint, the Mixed Libraries are bound to be phased out.

The current implementation is impossible to maintain and to support, if you ask any mod for help, the boilerplate answer will be: "Dont use it".

RE: Libraries - Movies vs Shows - 5197799 - 2023-12-22

(2023-12-22, 01:10 PM)Venson Wrote: Well from a support and dev standpoint, the Mixed Libraries are bound to be phased out.

The current implementation is impossible to maintain and to support, if you ask any mod for help, the boilerplate answer will be: "Dont use it".

Well, that sucks.
I know it's a preference thing, and I'm not in the majority but I understand.
I guess I'll be splitting my media soon.
Thanks for the heads up, I was entirely unaware of this.

RE: Libraries - Movies vs Shows - Venson - 2023-12-22

Well i would recommend it but dont worry too much. As i proposed the gradual phase-out of the type that will take a year minimum to complete.

RE: Libraries - Movies vs Shows - enesha - 2023-12-22

(2023-12-22, 11:56 AM)Venson Wrote: Hey there,

Ok thats a lot to unpack.
The difference between Movies and Series is twofold, first the internal parser expects series to named in a totally different way then movies and second jellyfin uses totally different metadata providers for either. That is the reason why if you throw series style media into a movies library, they get ignored as they dont match the expected naming scheme nor have any metadata.

Mixed Libraries are a mess and we generally do not recommend using them. Just ignore their existence.

Also just to clarify things a but, do you access your media via a network share? because if so, the real time file notification system will not work and you have to use something like AutoScan

Hey thanks for the reply.  I realize there's a lot to unpack there lol.  That's why i was waiting for later for other questions heh.

     So I hadn't considered the naming convention.  Of course Series and Movies are dealt with differently.  When I was trying to add Peanuts, there would be no season etc to put into the directory structure.  So it sounds like those special sort of things should just be considered movies for this purpose.  I think what really confused me was that the items didn't appear at all, rather than just unmatched, but you obviously make total sense - and I should have thought of it, seems obvious now.  I can color inside the lines when I actually realize where the lines are, lol

Yes, the mixed library experiment...did not go well.  I can see why it's going to die.

     So as for the scan, no I am not mounting over the network, that just seems like a general bad idea to me.  Even gig speed seems like it would start to get clogged up at some point. But YMMV  All of my drives are multi terabyte ext4.  I briefly experimented with mounting noatime, but was not satisfied with things, so everything is back to the default relatime.  So that's not related to the SouthPark situation, I don't think.  However it's interesting that you mentioned it, as I have noticed that the real time notification doesn't seem to be working quite right.  When I add now, it seems that if I don't run a library scan right away it could be several minutes before things show up.  Didn't used to be that way, but I haven't had time to really dig into it.  That's one of the other things I was going to start asking about heh

Thanks again Smiling-face

RE: Libraries - Movies vs Shows - Venson - 2023-12-22

Well the usual thing for that would be to put both media in their respected libraries, say your Peanuts movies into a movie library and the Series stuff into Shows library and then add a collection where you aggregate both media together.

Mounting your media is fine in general. Just not your Jellyfin database, that __needs__ to be local to work.

If you media is really local currently, check if you enabled "Enable read time monitoring" in the settings of that library.