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SOLVED: Metadata - Printable Version

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Metadata - carusGOAT - 2023-12-24

I have been trying to group the Tom and Jerry shorts as a TV Show by seasons. I thought this would be possible because this is the way tvdb organizes it.

I have the 1940's season cataloged in my drive with the following hierarchy:

    /Tom and Jerry [tvdbid-72860]
        /Season 1940
            Episode 01.mkv
            Episode 02.mkv
            Episode 45.mkv

Unfortunately, this does not work. What happens is that for whatever reason Jellyfin recognizes it as "Tom and Jerry Tales" which has a tvdbid of 82837. And, of course, none of the episodes are recognized. They just say the file name (Episode 01, Episode 02, etc.).

Can anyone help me get Jellyfin apply the correct metadata to this series?

RE: Metadata - Yababakets - 2023-12-24

I've verified the series on TVDB, and the episodes are labeled as S1940E01. Consider renaming the first episode accordingly to check if it retrieves the metadata. You may want to change "Season 1" instead of "Season 1940" if renaming the episode doesn't solve the problem.

If it is recognised as something else try to input manually the external id.

Tom and Jerry Metadata Issue - carusGOAT - 2023-12-24

So the root of the problem is that the directory "Tom and Jerry [tvdbid-72860]" recognizes the series as "Tom and Jerry Tales" and not "Tom and Jerry". Thus changing the season folder from Season 1940 to Season 1, gives me the episode names from "Tom and Jerry Tales".

Unfortunately the UI for inputting it manually does not allow me to put in the tvdb id. The tvdb is the only metadata provider that categorizes the show by decade seasons.

RE: Metadata - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-24

Did you install the TVDB plugin? It is in the official plugin repo. I don't recall if it is installed by default.

RE: Metadata - jimmyjammy - 2023-12-24

I Have Tom & Jerry correctly identified in my library. Folder name is "Tom And Jerry (1940)", Season folders are S1940,S1950 & S1960 & episodes are named "Tom and Jerry (1940) - S1940E01" etc. TVdB plugin installed.

RE: Metadata - carusGOAT - 2023-12-25

Okay so I didn't have the tvdb plugin installed but I do now and got the API key also. However, it is still not working. When I try to manually search the series by its tvdbid (72860), I get no results.

@jimmyjammy, I also tried your folder hierarchy and didn't work for me Slightly-frowning-face

RE: Metadata - tmsrxzar - 2023-12-25

you also have to enable tvdb in the library entry you want to use it in

dashboard -> libraries -> 3 dots under the entry -> manage -> check "tvdb" option for metadata

if a search for the tvdb number returns no results then that wasn't done (and probably also wasn't since it wasn't even installed at first)

RE: Metadata - carusGOAT - 2023-12-25

so thank you @tmsrxzar for that. I went ahead and did you as you said and checked the box for tvdb for every setting that had tvdb as an option. Still nothing though.

I went ahead and checked my logs and seems like I wasn't getting very far at all as my API key is invalid.

TvDbSharper.TvDbServerException: Invalid credentials; API Key Required
  at TvDbSharper.Infrastructure.Parser.Parse[T](ApiResponse response, IReadOnlyDictionary2 errorMap)
  at TvDbSharper.Clients.AuthenticationClient.AuthenticateAsync(AuthenticationData authenticationData, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetTvDbClient(String language)
  at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.<>c__DisplayClass24_0
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
  at Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.CacheExtensions.GetOrCreateAsync[TItem](IMemoryCache cache, Object key, Func`2 factory)
  at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeriesProvider.FindSeriesInternal(String name, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

On the tvdb website, I requested the "free (requires attribution)" key and then copied and pasted it into the settings of the tvdb plugin. Tvdb says my key is "Active" so really have no clue what I am supposed to do. Was I supposed to pay for an API key? I read something about that on reddit but it is unclear if that was for an older system TVDB had for giving up API keys.

RE: Metadata - carusGOAT - 2023-12-25

Must be related to this

Are the rest of you using "legacy API keys"?

RE: Metadata - tmsrxzar - 2023-12-25

changing the api key shouldn't have been necessary as the one it ships with works fine (for me)

in case you need it here's the one it comes with OG4V3YJ3FAP7FP2K

(i checked and the key is widely available across the internet so there's no reason i can't share it)