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IPv6 not active? (Linux) - solved - Printable Version

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IPv6 not active? (Linux) - solved - chill - 2023-12-24


Running Jellyfin 10.8.13 on a Debain 12 VM, and in the Dashboard under Networking I have both "Enable IPv4" and "Enable IPv6" checked, however nothing is listening on ipv6.

Looking at port 8096 as an example:

root@jellyfin:~# ss -tulpen 'sport = :8096'
Netid              State                Recv-Q              Send-Q                            Local Address:Port                            Peer Address:Port              Process             
tcp                LISTEN              0                    512                                                    *                  users:(("jellyfin",pid=179,fd=311)) uid:107 ino:36691 sk:96 cgroup:/system.slice/jellyfin.service <->

I was expecting something with either *:8096 or having [::]:8096 in addition.

This is what I see in the logs

root@jellyfin:~# journalctl --unit jellyfin --boot | grep listening
Dec 08 16:13:03 jellyfin jellyfin[179]: [16:13:03] [INF] Kestrel listening on Any IP4 Address

Any advice?

Edit: answering my own question, I needed to restart everything when toggling the Network protocols in the Dashboard

root@jellyfin:~# sudo ss -tlen 'sport = :8096'
State                  Recv-Q                Send-Q                                  Local Address:Port                                  Peer Address:Port                Process               
LISTEN                0                      512                                                  *:8096                                              *:*                    uid:107 ino:27990136 sk:1001 cgroup:/system.slice/jellyfin.service v6only:0 <->

N.B. the v6only:0 means this handled both v4 and v6 IIRC.

root@jellyfin:~# journalctl --unit jellyfin --boot | grep listening
Dec 24 19:20:35 jellyfin jellyfin[223]: [19:20:35] [INF] Kestrel listening on All Addresses

RE: IPv6 not active? (Linux) - TheDreadPirate - 2023-12-24

Does your NIC have an IPv6 address? Also try restarting jellyfin

RE: IPv6 not active? (Linux) - solved - chill - 2023-12-24

Thanks, after a reboot now both v4 and v6 are working. (Perhaps the GUI should state this is needed?)