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Startgate SG-1 DVD order - Printable Version

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Startgate SG-1 DVD order - PaulMc - 2023-12-26

I bought the original Stargate SG-1 DVDs individually when they came out (not the box sets). These are the Region 2 PAL disks. They are all numbered but none of the DVD order sources seem to match what I have.

e.g. Disk (Volume) 1 has Children of the gods, There but for the grace of god, Politics, Within the serpent's grasp

A quick scan through some of the sources appears to show that all or most of the episodes are accounted for.

Numbering the episodes SXXEXX causes them to have the wrong names after a scan. Seeing the blurb on the Disk one cover - "Featuring the best of Season One" suggests that they mixed things up just to hook you one the first disk, implying that they are intentionally out of order.

After deciding to watch this series again what are my options? From memory most episodes standalone so I don't think it is critical to have any single viewing order however I would like to the title and metadata, cast etc. correct.

Is it a case of downloading season lists from TVDB or elsewhere and following their suggested viewing order and then renaming each episode accordingly? Any other ideas?

RE: Startgate SG-1 DVD order - tmsrxzar - 2023-12-26

i would just name them based on their normal airdate season/episode based on the episode titles, fighting against it will just lead to frustration in my experience and in some cases a loss of continuity of the episodes

use tmdb for a layout

RE: Startgate SG-1 DVD order - PaulMc - 2023-12-26

Thanks @tmsrxzar

As I said disk one is a "Best of" so they've already mixed up the order. I meant to say tmdb and not tvdb, so I will probably end up doing what you say.