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Jellyfin under WebOS (LG TV) various Problems... - Printable Version

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Jellyfin under WebOS (LG TV) various Problems... - Black-Angel - 2023-12-26


since the last Jellyfin update (10.8.13) I have some problems with the Jellyfin app on my LG TV (WebOS). I installed the app from the official content store and it has been working fine so far. Since the latest Jellyfin update I have several problems:

1. Films (regardless of resolution and format) no longer play smoothly in direct mode. There are no real dropouts, but with fast movements within the films you can see that they are no longer displayed smoothly. It jerks very briefly. If I play the same film on another client (e.g. mobile phone or tablet), this phenomenon does not occur. My TV is connected directly to the Jellyfin server via LAN.

2. SRT subtitles load very slowly in the Jellyfin app under WebOS. It can happen that the loading of SRT subtitles takes up to half of the film or even longer. On other clients that are not based on WebOS, this is done in a few minutes.

3. There is an error in the setting "Prefer FMP4-HLS as media container" which can result in a black screen. If I play various films in the direct stream (there is also no control bar or anything visible) the sound plays normally in the background but you can't see anything. When you stop playing, the actual picture appears very briefly before you return to the normal menu. If you play the same film(s) on another client, everything works. It is definitely due to the jellyfin webos client. The black screen occurs with various films in x264 but also with x265 with and without HDR in direct play. The error does not occur during transcoding. If, for example, you switch off the aforementioned option in the client for an x264 film in which this error occurs, the film works without error in direct play. If you switch it on again, you only get a black screen when you start the film and you hear the sound in the background.

RE: Jellyfin under WebOS (LG TV) various Problems... - Serge K - 2023-12-26

I also have LG TV but webos is old (3) and no official Jellyfin in App Store. But I found the solution.
I run Jellyfin via web browser of LG TV - works fine.

RE: Jellyfin under WebOS (LG TV) various Problems... - chamko - 2023-12-26

I'm also using WEB OS Jellyfin version, and I'm experiencing an issue where the audio channel is muted when I change the playback speed.