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Movie Extras Sorting? - Printable Version

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Movie Extras Sorting? - lady_whiteadder - 2023-12-27

Hi, I have a bunch of Movies with Extras. Some of those belong to each other - like "topic a - Part 1", "topic a - Part 2". I expected them to show up in alphabetical sort order but that does not seem to be the case? Any other way to ensure a specific sort order?

RE: Movie Extras Sorting? - DuckLizzard - 2024-01-12

Did you find out how to do it in the time since posting the question, because i currently face the same problem.

RE: Movie Extras Sorting? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-12

I haven't tried this myself. See if you can "edit metadata" for the extra. Does it give you the option in there to give it an item number or something? Like you can with specials with an TV show.