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Media Scan - Ricardo Lourenço - 2023-12-28


i have movies in the following dir  and naming structure - Year/Year-Name.ext
Some media jellyfin was able to find and get the info from imdb, but I have over 700 movies that have no info, i've tried rescanning with no real result. Been manually identifying each file one by one.

Is there an easy workaround??
Thank you.

RE: Media Scan - trekkie690 - 2023-12-28

I assume that you followed the structure in Jellyfin Moving Naming. Issue I've had in the past where i knew that the movie existed (cause i could imdb search it) but it wasnt showing:

1) Somehow a special character got into the name. Try renaming it, type it out no copy paste from a source. Then research directory.

2) Conflict with name /year. Sometime the DVD/Blu Ray case will say the release year is YYYY and the database has it as YYYY+/- 1 or 2. This caused me issues once or twice until i adjusted all of them to match imdb, moviedb or whatever source i was using at the the time

3) Its using the metadata title and not the file title. Check the setting in Jellyfin to NOT use the metadata file name to search

4) The plugin your using is not whats in the priority order, check the search setting in the Movie/Show folder setting. Basically, the order of the database plugins got swapped or changed, so it search openMovieDB which does return with something, but not near as many details as moviedDB. Check the priority order and that might help resolve some issues.

RE: Media Scan - N-Joy1975 - 2024-08-08

I have over 3000 movies in my collection and had a similar issue.

I think the year before the filename may be confusing the metadata lookup. This is just a guess though. But I strongly second the comment to follow the documented naming structure.

Your folder structure should work regardless.

The simple solution (after reading Jellyfin's very awesome detailed instructions) was to use the Jellyfin supported [tmdbid-] tag as part of the filename to identify those movies.

So, no matter what you have before that tag, it'll still point Jellyfin to the right movie when scraping.

Now, in a library the size of mine, how do you easily lookup that metadata, get the right movie tag and then rename all the relevant files to incorporate that?

I found a program called Tiny Media Manager that is free (I have no affiliation with them, or any other programs I may suggest). It can scrape and search for your movies, and there is a function to lookup any files that it cannot identify and manually select from the available options. You have an option to do a "dry run" and preview resulting filenames, or just go ahead and name them. It is a great tool for making the renaming process much faster and easier.

If there are multiple versions of the same movie, I use the Tiny Media Manager script settings to create a folder with the movie, year and TMDB id

${movie.title} (${year}) [tmdbid-${tmdb}]

All my files have been renamed using the movie title, year, TMDB id, quality (eg 1080p), source (BluRay, Web) and the codec used (x264, x265) using the following script setting:

${movie.title} (${year}) [tmdbid-${tmdb}] - [${movie.mediaInfoVideoFormat}] [${movie.mediaSource}] [${movie.mediaInfoVideoCodec}]

Having all versions of the same file in the same folder appears to help with the different versions, however the files still need to be named EXACTLY the same up to the - which (if you haven't read their awesome detailed instructions) is what indicates to Jellyfin that it is a different version.

Most of my movies were fine, and different versions didn't show as separate movies, but for those that did, putting them in the same folder appears to have removed any display doubles that I had.

Apparently Tiny Media Manager also supports renaming TV series as well, but I already found a program called "Rename My TV Series" that is also free to do that, so I have not used it for TV series.

But both programs will batch rename your files in a format that makes it really easy for Jellyfin to find the information it needs.

I haven't told you anything new in regard to how to name your files, but I hope these utilities help anyone having the same issue who want to quickly rename their files and / or folders.