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Fixing episode ordering? - Printable Version

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Fixing episode ordering? - Dagobert_Krikelin - 2023-12-30

So what I've understood is that Jellyfin collects metadata from TheMovieDb when you add a show to your library. However this metadata is not always the preferred order in which you want the series to show up.
For instance Firefly and also Futurama doesn't show the proper ordering.

I'm wondering what options I have to fix shows order manually and stil have a way to save it in caseĀ I reload my library in case of reinstalling and also to share this new ordering with other people wo wants the same?
Can I delete all metadata and just have Futurama show up according to my folder structure?

A solution to this problem could be to create a .nfo in the root of the Futurama folder with the metadata which Jellyfin reads and apply instead of fetching metadata from the web.

RE: Fixing episode ordering? - elephantLYFE - 2023-12-30

Ultimately, i think.
1st - identify the DB & ordering, you want to match, pull metadata.
2nd - prepare your files/structure to match that.
3rd - make sure metadata tag matches, let jellyfin scan it, then also make sure ORDER prefrence matches.

I think default is
Movies/Shows - TMDB

you probably want to add a plugin for TVDB, for Shows.

You can add tags to media, denoting which DB to pull from.
Film (2010) [imdbid-tt0106145].mp4 or Film (201Nerd-face [tmdbid-65567]
You must ensure you have a plugin for that correspoinding db.

Example TVDB i added a plugin. Film (201Nerd-face [TVDBID-XXXXXX]

In addion to this, DBs can have alternate orderings listed for a a show.
Air date, DVD Order, Alternate Order, etc.

metadata -
tags mentioned -

RE: Fixing episode ordering? - Dagobert_Krikelin - 2023-12-31

A massive thank you!
I didn't know about the addon section. It turns out that the already added TMDB had the correct grouping:
I just needed to change the display order to Production as per the link. Thank you for the screenshot showing me how to. Totally missed that dropdown.
Everything Looks perfect now!

RE: Fixing episode ordering? - elephantLYFE - 2023-12-31

Happy to help!
I've gone through your exact trouble-shooting before myself!