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Isolated libraries for different users? - Printable Version

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Isolated libraries for different users? - xantiloth - 2023-12-31

I want to set up JF for the house as well as some friends, and also incorporate something like Ombi for self-service.

The problem is while I would like to share my library with my friends, I don’t necessarily want to see anything they add to the server (at least not by default).

To complicate this further, there is a lot of music taste overlap between me and my SO, but where the Venn diagrams DON’T overlap, we’d likewise want each others “private” music not to show up in searches and listings by default.

Are these types of segmentation/filtering possible with JF? Or is this less a question of content management and mire of account configuration?

The only thing I can think of looking through docs is, give each friend account access to their own private library, and then use tagging or folder locations to essentially route files to where only they can see it, but while sharing my “central” library globally. The work would be on me to audit the private libraries from time to time and move anything I wanted into the global location.

Anyone else done anything like this?

RE: Isolated libraries for different users? - tmsrxzar - 2023-12-31

should be possible but you will need separate library entries

Global - All Users can see and is pointed to a path on the drive "everyonemovies"
Library A - User A can see and is pointed to a path on the drive "userAmovies"
Library B - User B can see and is pointed to a path on the drive "userBmovies"

the interpolation between libraries will be more or less non-existent, you will simply grant user A access to Global and Libary A
in the browser you "can" set it up to group things but most clients otherwise do not do this and it makes things confusing

the other way is using linux filesystem options so the question before i mention those is are you going to be using windows or linux or linux in docker?

RE: Isolated libraries for different users? - xantiloth - 2023-12-31

Yeah I figured separate libraries on separate paths would be the simplest route - appreciate the quick feedback. And yes this will be on Linux - possibly (probably) with Docker.

RE: Isolated libraries for different users? - tmsrxzar - 2023-12-31

then in linux you can symlink back to the global library from subpaths instead of moving the files

sort of in reverse, each user can have their own global so there is a single library entry but on the back side you can symlink files from the real global into their global to share with individual users, a little bit more work but looks cleaner to have a single entry for users

linux in docker would need 2 volumes sent into the docker container then within the docker (docker exec -it) you would set up the links
as i remember docker will not populate links across the host system; where pathA is mapped to a container which contains links to pathB on the host however pathB is not available inside docker these links will not work

RE: Isolated libraries for different users? - xantiloth - 2023-12-31

That’s not a bad idea, extending the concept line that. I may just do that, thanks! Docker is not required as each service will now be in a dedicated VM anyway but as far as I can tell there shouldn’t be a problem sharing the entire media root with docker and subpathing in JF to define the different libraries (this whole idea is a UX convenience only, not like a strict security requirement for actual data segregation)