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SOLVED: W10 Regain Access to User profile while being locked out of it (user disabled) - Printable Version

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W10 Regain Access to User profile while being locked out of it (user disabled) - KHv33mF2qUcoMezDKgbI - 2024-01-02

This issue is already solved, I just want to share what I've done in case anyone needs it since I had to get creative due to the documentation not being complete nor accurate enough for windows 10 users.

I was getting the following message when trying to log into the server:

you are not allowed to access the server at the moment, please contact your administrator "

This are the resoureces I referred to in order to achieve my goal:


First locate your Jellyfin.db file on Windows 10, according to the documentation it's at a the specified, on installation, directory.
As of today (01/Jan/2023) the default Path is C:\Programdata\Jellyfin\Server\data

After that you'll have to install sqlite3 and it's db browser.

Once it's installed open jellyfin.db with DB Browser for SQLite
Then go to the run SQL tab and run the following query and change AdminUserName for your disabled user name LEAVE THE QUOTES:
SELECT Value,Kind FROM Permissions WHERE UserId IN (SELECT Id FROM Users WHERE Username = 'AdminUsername');

This will return a table with 1 (true) 0 (false) values next to a Kind value (numeric assignment of a specific variable).

Take a look at Kind 2, according to :

Quote: /// <summary>
        /// Whether the user is disabled.
        /// </summary>
        IsDisabled = 2,

Kind 2 means it's disabled.

Now that we know this, it's time for a new Query Run:
Update Permissions set Value = 0 where Kind = 2;

Run again the first query in order to check that Kind 2 went from 1 to 0.

Run it, save the changes and close.

Reboot your Jellyfin server and you should be able to log in.

I had an issue after this of wrong password and Jellyfin dissabled my account again.
I simply run the recovery wizard in the login page, and then re-run the queries again, this time I used the pin it gave me to log in, and all subsequent logins were successful.

I hope this really helps anyone in need.

RE: W10 Regain Access to User profile while being locked out of it (user disabled) - tmsrxzar - 2024-01-02

"As of today (01/Jan/2023)"

this is 2024 ...