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Poster Not Showing Properly - Printable Version

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Poster Not Showing Properly - croswen - 2024-01-04 (mb didn't know you could post image in a thread too but I'll keep the imgur link just in case)

Here's a screenshot of what I mean. How do I fix this and make it look like a normal poster?

RE: Poster Not Showing Properly - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-04

What is the library type?

And what do you see when you click on "Edit Images" for this movie?


RE: Poster Not Showing Properly - croswen - 2024-01-04


RE: Poster Not Showing Properly - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-04

And what do you see when you "Edit Images" for the movie?

RE: Poster Not Showing Properly - croswen - 2024-01-04


RE: Poster Not Showing Properly - tmsrxzar - 2024-01-04

1 word responses are going to make this take FOREVER

if you do not see an image (the cover that is supposed to be there) when you click edit images then there is no image loaded

verify you have the correct library "content type" set
verify it has scraped the content properly; if applicable
if it's a home movie then verify there is a poster with the file on the disk
if the poster has strange aspect ratio then ffmpeg may fail to resize and you are getting a clipped version
if you want to add a poster (or change it) click either the magnifying glass or the plus sign

other than those, i don't have any ideas based the information provided here

RE: Poster Not Showing Properly - croswen - 2024-01-04

The image does load when I click "Edit Images"

The library contenty type is "Movies." No other movie in the same library has this problem.

Yeah the poster image file is right next to the video file.

The aspect ratio of the folder is 2:3.

I havent tried changing it cause Jellyfin usually showed whatever was on my disk, but I'll try doing that.

RE: Poster Not Showing Properly - croswen - 2024-01-04

Update: It's not possible for external sources to look for a poster for this film due to it being very obscure and almost a lost media. I added that poster manually just like every other film in the same library. This problem, however, does not seem to show on TV. So it's a problem limited to web browser, desktop media player and the android app.