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Missing Music - Printable Version

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Missing Music - Konastoner - 2024-01-05


I recently upgraded to Truenas Cobia from Bluefin as Truenas would not update the Jellyfin app. Evrything went well except the under Bluefin all of my albums we fully populated and displayed correctly, however after the update I have only 20% of my abliums showing and lots of missing information. If I remove an ablum in my smb share do a scan in JF, copy it back and do a scan in JF the album appears and is displayed correctly. I have hundres of missing albums, is there anything I can do to save all the hassle?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Missing Music - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-05

Double check file/folder permissions. That jellyfin has permission to read it.

RE: Missing Music - Konastoner - 2024-01-05


I did that and all the permissions are fine, this also makes sense as ive done nothing with permissions yet when I remove an album and paste it back in it appears after a scan. Really odd.