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Resume play doesn't work for Photo Library content on Roku - Printable Version

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Resume play doesn't work for Photo Library content on Roku - ohshitgorillas - 2024-01-07

When I try to resume a video in my Photos library on my Roku from my previous position, it always starts from the beginning of the video.

This only happens with videos in the Photo library; resume play in TV and movies works fine.

I am using the newest stable version of the Roku app. I recall it was very recently updated to a new version.

RE: Resume play doesn't work for Photo Library content on Roku - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-07

I think this is normal. Not all library types do playback tracking.

RE: Resume play doesn't work for Photo Library content on Roku - ohshitgorillas - 2024-01-07

It worked before the update... it also asks me if I want to restart playback or resume at the previous point. It always restarts playback at the beginning regardless.

RE: Resume play doesn't work for Photo Library content on Roku - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-07

Submit an issue ticket on the Roku client's git.