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Jellyfin not discoverable - Printable Version

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Jellyfin not discoverable - MrBlond - 2024-01-07

Use case:
I want to use Jellyfin as a DNLA mediaserver in my homenetwork, my primary use case is to expose the audio files  from my NAS in the WIIM app to stream music to my WIIM players around the house. 

The problem I have is i am unable to discover Jellyfin (or any DLNA mediaserver) in the WIIM app or mconnect app on my phone. 

Current setup
I am using a wired NUC as my homelab with ESXI installed on it. One of these virtual machines runs Unbuntu Server 20.04.6 LTS and is my homelab. On that Ubuntu server i am running a docker setup with various applications, and i recently added the Jellyfin container to my docker-compose file. As part of the docker script I made sure to include network_mode : host to ensure it can be discovered in the network. I have mounted the media from my NAS (an old NETGear 102) to my homelab and after bringing up the docker container it finds my local media and scans it all in. So from that perspective Jellyfin works very well. From the admin dashboard i have set the DLNA settings to enable a DLNA Server and to blast alive messages, currently i set that interval to 30 seconds.

Where next?
Despite all these efforts i am unable to get Jellyfind discovered. I can browse the the Jellyfin url from any device in the network, but it is not discovered unfortunately.

As a test i enabled DNLA from my Win11 machine and those files were immediately discovered by my WIMM application and by my mconnect app on my phone. 

Within Jellyfin itself there is not much else i can configure so i am thinking there might be something in Ubuntu i need to add / change to make DNLA discoverable in my network from that machine, but not really sure. Any suggestions on fellow homelab users where to look next to fix this issue?

RE: Jellyfin not discoverable - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-10

Is the firewall allowing port 1900 on the Ubuntu VM?