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Another Synology Update Question - Printable Version

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Another Synology Update Question - MadEyeMatty - 2024-01-08

I'm still fairly new to Synology and Docker stuff.

Basically, I have Jellyfin and want to update it. Of course, I went with all the default stuff and now apparently, from what I've read, if I update it, I will lose all my libraries and settings. I tried doing this a couple months ago and had that issue. Luckily backed up the container and restored it to keep things working.

I'm re-visiting the task and needing help. From my research, I need to get my config (file? folder?) in something other than the docker container. I created 2 new folders under the Docker folder on the NAS called 'config' and 'cache'. I want to copy? move? idk? my current config to there so it's not sitting in the container? Does any of this sound accurate? I've looked for the config file/folder in File Station and don't see it anywhere, so I guess that means it truly is in the container?

I attached a screenshot of my settings. I guess I need a very clear step by step how-to on updating Jellyfin on Synology NAS. I looked into the portainer guides and I just don't feel that confident yet to jump into that. I feel really dumb right now as I have 24 years experience in tech and am stumped by this. I have a general idea of what's needing to be done, but don't know how to fix my config situation. Appreciate any help y'all can offer.

RE: Another Synology Update Question - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-08

You don't have a volume for your /config directory and /cache directory.


Once you do this your configs and data will be persistent.