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Nested Music Folders - Printable Version

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Nested Music Folders - JMN-NYC - 2024-01-08

New user here and I have a quick question.  Files are on a Windows PC and music files are stored in this hierarchy (I also have this same structure on a QNAP NAS at another house). 

music/batch1/artist/album/1.flac, 2.flac...
music/batch2/artist/album/1.flac, 2.flac...

there are about 20 batches (basically groups that were ripped to flac at the same time).  I could change the directory structure to remove the batch layer but I have other apps that have already indexed this hierarchy so, before I rebuild it I wanted to know if JF can be work with this.

I pointed JF at this structure but nothing shows in Music - I was able to add each of the batch folders to a collection and could see albums but no flac files.

Thanks much in advance for your help.

RE: Nested Music Folders - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-08

You can have multiple folders in your library. Point JF to each batch folder. Click + and add another batch folder.