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Unable to change metadata or cache directory in WebUI - Printable Version

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Unable to change metadata or cache directory in WebUI - slightlyevolvedf - 2024-01-09

I installed JF under Ubuntu 22.04 (used Jellyfin Repos), and set my Transcode and media libraries to my NAS share (local NFS mount on server) with no issues. However, any attempt to change the cache or metadata folder locations to the same share gives me both a toast notifcation that settings were saved, and an error dialog: "There was an error processing the request. Please try again."

Restarting the jellyfin service didn't allow me to make the changes and either I'm missing something, or if anyone knows where I can change a config file manually; I'd appreciate it.

RE: Unable to change metadata or cache directory in WebUI - tmsrxzar - 2024-01-09

in the jellyfin config path, filename system.xml, keynames CachePath and MetadataPath
check permissions on that file or edit manually, probably jellyfin doesn't have write permissions to it