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Playlist Transfer - Printable Version

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Playlist Transfer - Sneller61 - 2024-01-12

Hidy Ho from Colorado,

Long time user and first time forum user.

I am in the last stages of duplicating My Jellyfin server on my M2 Powerbook(MacOs Sonoma 14.2.1, Jellyfin-10.8.13) to a Terramaster NAS(TOS 5.x Jellyfin- 10.8.13). All libraries, structures, naming conventions  are identical.

I have over 50 playlists that I would like to transfer but after way to many hours I am still stumped.

Is this even possible? If not, a simplified process to do this this would be an AWESOME FEATURE! 

Do I have to bite the bullet and do it manually?

I'm really weak on line command solutions-just fyi.

Any help would be appreciated.

RE: Playlist Transfer - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-12

There should be a playlist folder with a bunch of files in it for each playlist. IIRC there is a .config directory in your home folder. The playlist folder is somewhere in there.

Since you said you aren't familiar with command lines, the dot at the beginning of .config means it is hidden unless you tell the command line or UI to show hidden items.

RE: Playlist Transfer - Sneller61 - 2024-01-12

Thanks for responding.
I have the Jellyfin folder with all that(~/.local/share).
Contains metadata, playlist info (in xml format)

What do you suggest?

RE: Playlist Transfer - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-12

It should be as simple as finding the playlist folder on your Terramaster and copying those XML files in there.

RE: Playlist Transfer - Sneller61 - 2024-01-16

(2024-01-12, 08:46 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: It should be as simple as finding the playlist folder on your Terramaster and copying those XML files in there.

Thanks again. I have tried that many times. The Jellyfin folder just gets overwritten(at least that's been my experience) when you fire up the server. I think the problem is with the volume name in the .xml file.  On the source server the volume is "/workmedia/yada/yada/yada". On the target server, the volume name is "Volume1/yada/yada/yada", so when you drag it over it has the old volume name. The rest of the path is valid.

I tried a global search and replace before and was unsuccessful, I think I'll try again. Open to any suggestions.