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SOLVED: No access to network share (installed as Service under Win10) - Printable Version

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No access to network share (installed as Service under Win10) - Tombar - 2024-01-12

Hi all,

I installed JellyFin under Windows 10 as a Service. But now I have trouble to access my data which is on a NAS.

To map the folder under Windows I followed this Guide here, but it is not working.

In general my installation works just fine when I add ibraries with real local folders, but not with a network folder/symlink.

My details:
  • JellyFin Server is running as a Windows Service and I used a local Windows account to run it. The same account I use when logging on to Windows
  • On my NAS I created a user that has access to the data (same user name and password as the Windows user)
  • I created a local directory and a symlink to the folder on the NAS (as per the guide linked above)
  • Code:
    mklink /d "D:\media\_fritzboxsync\sync_movies\Movies" "\\\FRITZ.NAS\HDD4TB\mount\Movies"
  • In Windows Explorer I can browse the media folder and can see all my movies
  • In JellyFin I can only navigate until the local folder, the symlink folder "Movies" is not displayed within the dialoge when creating the library.
  • If I now select only the local folder nothing is found.

Looks like JellyFin cannot access the shared folder.

I also tried to use the direct network share instead of the local folder with the symlink but that does not work as well.

Any idea what might be missing? Or any better idea how to access a network share while running JellyFin as a Windows Service?
Is there a log I can check?

Thanks a lot for any hint.


RE: No access to network share (installed as Service under Win10) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-12

Check out this post on serverfault.

Let us know if this works for you and the exact steps.

RE: No access to network share (installed as Service under Win10) - Tombar - 2024-01-12

Looks like I had a user mismatch. In addition to the symlinks under D:\media I had another drive network drive "Z:\" mapped. The target was the same network share but for the access I used another user.

After changing the user of that network share "Z:\" to the same user as my windows user I recreated the syylinks and now everything works fine.
While creating the mapped network drive "Z:\" I specified the user like "\WINUSER"

RE: No access to network share (installed as Service under Win10) - aa a - 2024-08-31

(2024-01-12, 09:58 PM)Tombar Wrote: Looks like I had a user mismatch. In addition to the symlinks under D:\media I had another drive network drive "Z:\" mapped. The target was the same network share but for the access I used another user.

After changing the user of that network share "Z:\" to the same user as my windows user I recreated the syylinks and now everything works fine.
While creating the mapped network drive "Z:\" I specified the user like "\WINUSER"


Request for help.
I am having the same problem like you did.
Can you guide me how to change the user of that network share?

Regards, and thanks

RE: No access to network share (installed as Service under Win10) - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-31

If you click start and type "services.msc" it will open the service manager. Find the jellyfin service and one of the tabs controls what user the service runs as. Change the service user to run as your user or some other user that has access to the network share.