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Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - Aup808 - 2024-01-17

Hello! I have recently been struggling with my new setup, and would love any direction or feedback.

I have a Synology NAS (DS920+), running DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 3 (and with 20GB of memory). My goal was to have my media (movies, television, music, and miscellaneous files) running within my NAS, where I could access it locally from my computer (and on the go). I recently set up a HomeLab PC (EliteDesk 800 G4 // i5-8500T, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD nVME M.2) that I installed Proxmox VE 8.1 and currently have my Home Assistant running on there, as well as my Jellyfin LXC.

The Synology NAS and EliteDesk are all wired right into the router itself. My goal was to have Jellyfin read from the shared folders on the network and act as my media server (since then I have it connecting to my living room TV, which would be a great home theater system); however, I seem to be having issues trying to get Jellyfin to recognize the folders.

On my Synology NAS, they are located within Media\Video\Movies (as well as Media\Video\Television). My Windows computer can recognize the shared network folders (since I enabled SMB Service), and when I tried adding those folders either by the server name (for example, \\NAS), or by the network IP (for example, \\, nothing seemed to work. Even specifying the folder exactly.

I was reading that Tailscale has been useful, but I am a little confused since a lot of those use cases seem to have Jellyfin installed in a Docker container within the NAS itself, which is not exactly my setup. I understand that Jellyfin needs to point to a folder and then scan those folders for the files, but I was hoping that if Windows could read it (even though it's through the created WORKGROUP that Synology SMB Service helped create), it could be possible through configuration settings within Jellyfin. Ultimately, my goal is that if I can set up Jellyfin on this mini-PC to read files through the NAS, I could connect to that Jellyfin server remotely and be able to watch my media on my phone when I travel. 

As I searched through Google, Reddit, and this forum, there seems to be a lot of folks who are either have it installed on Synology itself, or through Windows and accessing it through there (which I am on Proxmox Server). I feel like I am missing something, either simply within Synology to allow access for the Jellyfin LXC to read those (although I am lost on how exactly to support that through Synology's services), or I am missing something in how I am setting up the shared network folder connection in Jellyfin.

Does anyone have any pointers or feedback on what I might be missing or can do? Happy to also provide any additional details if it helps! Thanks in advance!

RE: Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - tmsrxzar - 2024-01-17

1. linux doesn't understand windows backslash \, so doesn't know what to do with \\server; it uses /
2. very unlikely any file browser you are using is going to understand //server either; probably smb://
3. these need to be mounted to linux; usually mount
4. NFS would be better suited for this
5. what you actually need is a tutorial for mounting smb in proxmox; try this

RE: Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-17

Seconding tmsrxzar's #3. Network shares need to be mounted to the OS. You will have a much easier time getting Jellyfin to read it and permissions to work properly.

RE: Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - Aup808 - 2024-01-17

Thank you both for the replies! I appreciate the support and direction.

Thanks to you, I went into my Synology and enabled NFS Service (the maximum NFS protocol is NFSv3). From there, I went to the shared Media folder, edited the NFS Permissions, and added the IP address of my Proxmox with Read/Write (no mapping, yes to asynchronous, and yes to access to mounted subfolders). I went into my Proxmox and was able to go to Storage and add as an NFS (after adding the Server ID of the Synology, I was able to export the proper folder and allow for the content (VZDump backup file, Disk image, ISO image, Container, Container template). It is showing up as shared and enabled within the Datacenter.

However, after doing all of that, my Jellyfin still cannot find or connect to the mounted file (which I feel this is the direction that I should be going, no?). The Path/Target within the Datacenter on my Proxmox for the NFS is "/mnt/pve/NAS", and even searching for that for Jellyfin (both in Shared Network and within the folder search), it is not picking up anything.

tmsrxzar, regarding your suggestions, do you feel mounting NFS, as I did, is the right direction, or going back to mounting SMB? Or based on the activity above, have I potentially missed a step? Any help is appreciated; thanks!

RE: Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - tmsrxzar - 2024-01-17

i do believe you are going in the right direction
NFS is native to linux; fact
doesn't require extra users like smb (uses linux user/groups); fact
and makes things like permissions much simpler; opinion

but, i use docker and don't know anything about lxc, docker has it's own way of doing this which i don't think translate (and will likely just confuse things)

see if this link helps;

RE: Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - mikesulsenti - 2024-01-17

I recommend you mount your NFS with /etc/fstab either at the proxmox host level or within the container

This can be done similar to this:

# NFS Imports    /storage/nfs/tyr/library/movies        nfs  defaults,timeo=900,retrans=5,auto,_netdev  0  0        /storage/nfs/tyr/library/tv            nfs  defaults,timeo=900,retrans=5,auto,_netdev  0  0    /storage/nfs/tyr/library/videos        nfs  defaults,timeo=900,retrans=5,auto,_netdev  0  0

If you do it on the Proxmox host side, you can mount it into the LXC container with this

mp0: /storage/nfs/tyr/library/movies/films,mp=/library/movies,mountoptions=noatime
mp1: /storage/nfs/tyr/library/tv/shows,mp=/library/tv,mountoptions=noatime

If you edit the fstab, you need to 
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
before you can mount the NFS mount(s)

RE: Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - Aup808 - 2024-01-19

Hey - thanks for the feedback!

I am still getting a few errors, but let me walk through what I have tried so far and the errors I am getting (and maybe you might be seeing something I am not - my eyes have been staring at multiple guides and YouTube videos for a few hours, so I just might be sleep deprived and glancing over something obvious).

With my Synology NAS, I enabled NFS service (with maximum NFS protocol at NFSv3), and have the below setting for the Shared Folder in my NAS I want to have Jellyfin access:

Hostname: IP Address of Jellyfin Server
Privilege: Read-Write
Squash: Map all users to admin
Security: sys
[✓] Enable asynchronous
[✓] Allow connections from non-privileged ports
[✓] Allow users to access mounted subfolders

^ I was hoping that because I have a few subfolders, enabling all of those will allow full access to this folder from Synology NAS.

Now, within my Proxmox, I went into the Datacenter and added an NFS Storage.

Server: IP Address of NAS
Export: /volume1/Media
Content: Dist image, Container, VZDump backup file, ISO image, Container template
Path/Target (listed in the row item): /mnt/pve/NAS
Shared: Yes
Enabled: Yes

Within my Jellyfin LXC that I created, I installed nfs-common ("sudo apt-get install nfs-common"), and went ahead in the Options section and within Features, checked the boxes for NFS (as well as Nesting and SMB/CIFS for good measure).

Initially, I created a mount point "sudo mkdir /mnt/media" that I would point the mounted Media to (from my NAS to my Jellyfin). Going to "nano /etc/fstab", I attempted to add the following lines (with just representing, for now, my Synology NAS IP) but got different errors once I looked to do "mount -a" (after also doing "sudo systemctl daemon-reload", per your feedback), so I will list them... /volume1/Media /mnt/media nfs nfsvers=3,rw 0 0
Error: mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting /volume1/Media (which is strange, considering all the permissions were set in Synology NAS) /volume1/Media /mnt/media nfs default 0 0
Error: mount.nfs: Protocol not supported /volume1/Media mnt/media nfs defaults,timeo=900,retrans=5,auto,_netdev 0 0
Error: mount.nfs: Protocol not supported

I am not really sure what I am missing. Are there any suggestions on what I should try, or maybe if I missed a setting? Thanks in advance!

RE: Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - mikesulsenti - 2024-01-19

You do not add the NFS to the Proxmox UI. What you created was an NFS mount to export to another server

What you need to do is remove that from Proxmox, first

You need to see what the export path is on the Synology NFS setup cause it's necessary to know it to mount the NFS on the Jellyfin

In Jellyfin LXC, add lines like these, of course edited with your info
(You should create the dir where you want the NFS /media dir mounted to. /media is used by the system so I advise against using it, choose something else like /library for exmaple)

# NFS Imports
#IP:/export/path  #Mount locally         #filesystem #Options                            #boot time options for fsck etc    /library/movies        nfs  defaults,timeo=900,retrans=5,auto,_netdev  0  0

Make sure your also don't add a space where unnecessary like your last 2 mount attempts had

RE: Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - Alessio P. - 2024-03-19

Hi there,

I have a big problem, I installed Jellyfin and it doesn't work for me, I followed a full tutorial and I did exactly the same, I also connected the nose to a Mac Book Pro but there it worked when I try on Windows it doesn't work for me!

RE: Jellyfin Connecting to NAS Folders - TheDreadPirate - 2024-03-19

What address are you typing into the browser on Windows?