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Increase Buffer Size of Jellyfin-Web - Printable Version

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Increase Buffer Size of Jellyfin-Web - Sapd - 2024-01-22


I wanted to ask if someone knows a way to increase the amount the clients (in Jellyfin Web) are pre-loading when watching something (maybe by modifying some parameter in the jellyfin-web source?).
I am not talking about transcoding (it affects transcoding and direct play in the same way).

Reason is, that I want to trade-off consuming more traffic for a more stable experience. So that even when you are on a mobile connection or unstable Internet, that it will buffer around 3 minutes - maybe even more. So a downtime of around that time should not affect playability.

RE: Increase Buffer Size of Jellyfin-Web - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-22

Here in 10.8?

Here in unstable?

RE: Increase Buffer Size of Jellyfin-Web - Sapd - 2024-01-22

(2024-01-22, 03:25 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Here in 10.8?

Here in unstable?

Thank you for the pointer.

I just found it in the bundle like this:
So I should be able to overwrite it with a simple regex and NGINX replace module.

Do you know by change if it affects only HLS playback or also direct play?

RE: Increase Buffer Size of Jellyfin-Web - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-22

No idea. I'm not a dev.

RE: Increase Buffer Size of Jellyfin-Web - Sapd - 2024-01-22

For someone searching:
I experimented a bit and this seems to increase it (however the browser will still limit it). The Browser cache has to be deleted for an effect:

location ~ ^/web/htmlVideoPlayer-plugin.[0-9a-z]+.chunk.js$ {
        proxy_pass http://jellyfin;
        proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
        sub_filter_types *;
        sub_filter 'return s=30' 'return s=600';
        sub_filter 'maxBufferLength:s' 'maxBufferLength:s,maxBufferSize:180000000';
        sub_filter_once on;