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"Play on" iPad - Printable Version

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"Play on" iPad - undertone7539 - 2024-01-24

Hey all,
I've been using and loving jellyfin for video content for a little while. I've recently started using for music, too.

I have an android phone and and iPad. I've noticed that on the iPad, my phone is a "play on" target, which lets me remote control what's playing on my phone from my iPad. Awesome! 

But what I really want to do is the opposite - control what's playing on my iPad from my phone. However, the iPad is never listed on my phone's "plan on" menu.

Is this just an iOS client limitation, or is there some configuration I can tweak to get it working?



RE: "Play on" iPad - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-24

AFAIK, that is an iOS limitation.