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"Refresh metadata every 30 days" doesn't seem to be updating - Printable Version

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"Refresh metadata every 30 days" doesn't seem to be updating - NaturalBornCamper - 2024-01-24

Hey everyone,

When activating the library options "Refresh metadata every 30 days", is it possible it refreshes only for a certain time then stops so it doesn't run for too long? And if it's the case, is it possible it's always refreshing the same X movies every 30 days (Refreshing them in alphabetical order maybe)?

Because I remember seeing in the database a field storing the last update, so I would have though there's a rotation and the movies that have the oldest metadata are refreshed first, yet I got movies in there that haven't been updated in a year or so, still showing the old iMDB rating.

Furthermore, in the "scheduled Tasks", I see a "Refresh People" but I don't see a "Refresh Metadata" that I can adjust. Not sure if it's a local bug or everyone's the same.

As a side note: Refreshing manually works perfectly if click "Refresh metadata" on a single movie though, the rating of those long-imported movies get updated.

RE: "Refresh metadata every 30 days" doesn't seem to be updating - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-24

AFAIK, there is no way to restrict the amount of time an scan can run. Nor any way to dictate how/what to scan and what to update. IIRC, you can add jobs. See if you can add a job to do this.

RE: "Refresh metadata every 30 days" doesn't seem to be updating - NaturalBornCamper - 2024-01-24

(2024-01-24, 10:48 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: AFAIK, there is no way to restrict the amount of time an scan can run.  Nor any way to dictate how/what to scan and what to update.  IIRC, you can add jobs.  See if you can add a job to do this.

By "jobs" do you mean scheduled tasks? Or you meant a Linux Cronjob?

I already have a task to scan the media library as you can see in the screenshot, but it never refreshed the metadata. Would be nice if you could add a different task on top of the current scan, happening once per X days and refreshing all metadata though.

RE: "Refresh metadata every 30 days" doesn't seem to be updating - NaturalBornCamper - 2024-02-01

Nevermind, I'll just rescan my whole library myself periodically and submit a bug report since that feature ain't working. Thanks for reading everyone Smiling-face