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Installing in DSM 7.2 Container Manager - Printable Version

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Installing in DSM 7.2 Container Manager - FunkyB - 2023-07-20

I need to reinstall Jellyfin on my Synology NAS after upgrading to DSM 7.2-64570. Could someone be so kind as to tell me the best way to do this? The old instructions ( might work, but now there is a Project tab that has Docker Compose which I've heard is better way to install it.

After the DSM update Jellyfin suddenly wouldn't open and when I logged in as admin to check it, I say that Docker had been disabled and needed to be uninstalled as it is "no longer supported." A quick search revealed that it has been replaced by "Container Manager", which was already installed, but even though the jellyfin container is still running, I can't log in to it. Also, when I opened the container settings, no folders were mapped under Volume Settings and the home doesn't even show up on the list anymore. That's a problem because I have media in a home folder I want use in Jellyfin.

This is a bit frustrating, and I think it's going to be faster to delete the container and make a new one from scratch, but I want to do it the best way with this new system. Also, I need to find out how to allow containers to access the homes folders although I may need to ask Synology support about that (the container already has access in Shared Folder Permissions).

RE: Installing in DSM 7.2 Container Manager - eeyoresdoom - 2023-07-20

Edit: the smirking smileys are colon forward-slash, i fail at reading

Dr. Frankenstein's Tech Stuff helped me tremendously and the site is good about staying up to date.

This part shows how to obtain the system users PUID and PGID.
The PUID and PGID in the jellyfin.yml file will need to match the system user you gave access to your home media folder (in control panel > shared folder > edit media folder permissions). If they doin't match, jellyfin can't see your media folder.

As a side note, I bought a $20 256gb ssd sata drive and plugged it into the Synology USB3 slot with a SATA to USB3 cable. I created the jellyfin cache and config folder on the usb drive and it silences the loud nas drives I have in the synology when watching movies. Transcoding and library writes are all done on the ssd. The other upside is when you update jellyfin, you don't lose your library. You can wipe the container, run your yml to recreate it and it will start right where you left off. You only need to set up a backup schedule so the ssd doesn't accidentally wipe or crash and you lose your library. The HD thrashing being gone made it 1000x better to use jellyfin for me.

Here is how I mounted the USB3 location in my jellyfin yml:
- /volumeUSB1/usbshare/jellyfin/cacheConfused-facecache
- /volumeUSB1/usbshare/jellyfin/configConfused-faceconfig
- /volume1/mediaConfused-facemedia

Since the config/library/user data is all stored on the usb ssd and not in the docker container, to update jellyfin I:
-Enable ssh in control panel > Terminal & SMNP and apply
-Stop the jellyfin container
-Delete the jellyfin conatiner
-Open a terminal and ssh to your synology (I use PuTTY)
-Use this command to list docker containers:
sudo docker image ls
-Use this command to delete the downloaded jellyfin image from docker (use image_id you found using the previous command):
sudo docker rmi image_id
-I run this to redownload the updated jellyfin image but substitute the path to your yml:
sudo docker-compose -f /volumeUSB1/usbshare/jellyfin/jellyfin.yml up -d
-Exit the terminal, disable ssh in the synology control panel.
-Start the new jellyfin container. Enjoy.

Sorry I'm all over the place. Hopefully this helps some.

RE: Installing in DSM 7.2 Container Manager - FunkyB - 2023-07-25

Synology support says that the Container Manager not having access to homes/ is a correction, i.e. by design, and I assume it is for security reasons. They suggested that I use the teams feature on a folder in my media library folder to allow Synology Drive's Sync to access it and therefore move my synced library there. That actually sounds like a good idea, so for music so I'm going to try that first for simplicity.

On the other hand, I already store video on a second volume which I planning to move external using the SATA -> USB cable connection just as you described. It's not a NAS grade drive, but is quieter and I back it up manually not to the cloud. If the Container Manager can't mount it when I move it external, then I'll probably go the route you suggest.