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SOLVED: General Videos Folder does not populate all included files. - Printable Version

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General Videos Folder does not populate all included files. - KodiUser1138 - 2024-01-30

Unsure if this is the correct section or not. I have a number of general video folders added to my JellyFin server as individual libraries. These are folders I can move videos in and out of at will and do not need metadata scraped. One is for Coming Soon Movie Trailers, another Cartoons like Mickey Mouse and Tom & Jerry, one just general Videos that have no other real home.

Most of these folders work fine in my JF server when added as either Mixed Movies/Shows or as Photos library types. One folder however, has an issue. Actually it's a sub-sub-folder of my Movie Trailers main folder which contains all Star Wars trailers. For some reason JF will not recognize ALL the files in this folder and populate the library with only some. Example, I have 5 trailers for A New Hope but JF will only show me 2 of them. Some it won't show at all like my Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition trailers of VHS box set trailers.

Any ideas on what may cause this behavior? These aren't some special files with weird codecs or vastly different naming or anything. 

Just for fun I just made copies of 2 of these files that won't show up in JF and both the copies now do, but not the original. Both copies just have the added ' - Copy- to the filename that Windows automatically adds when making a quick copy. Now I'm even MORE confused! 

These below all work:
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999) Teaser 1
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999) Trailer 1
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999) 3D Trailer 1
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999) 3D Trailer 2
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999) Digital Trailer - Copy

But this one does not:
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999) Digital Trailer

RE: General Videos Folder does not populate all included files. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-30

The fact that the copy worked but not the original points me towards file permissions. What OS? I'm assuming Linux. Copying a file usually changes the permissions unless told to preserve the original permissions.

RE: General Videos Folder does not populate all included files. - KodiUser1138 - 2024-01-30

Windows 10 and there are no permissions on these files. If I copy them, delete the original then remove the additional ' - copy' from the file name, it again doesn't scrape into JF. No idea why.

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952vup41xc7b5xcp2tlpb...y.gif&ct=g]

Never mind I figured it out. Anything that ends with the text 'trailer' doesn't get scraped because JF likely thinks it's a trailer file for another full media file. Adding a ' 1' to the end makes JF ignore the trailer scraping rules and sees it as just another video file. Like another issue I had on the Kodi forum sometimes the smallest thing can be the catalyst of so much insanity!

RE: General Videos Folder does not populate all included files. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-30

I was literally looking at the docs about reserved words and was going to post that.

RE: General Videos Folder does not populate all included files. - KodiUser1138 - 2024-01-31

I was just messing with the names of the copied files and then tried one that was 'trailer1' and that didn't work because it's all one word and JF sees TRAILER and that's it and WHAM it hit me like Bull coming to a gigantic realization. So problem solved!

[Image: giphy.gif]