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Up Next includes watched episodes - Printable Version

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Up Next includes watched episodes - lovestha - 2024-01-31

Some of my youtube series appear in the Up Next section with episodes that have already been watched. Displaying the blue tick in the corner and the red tick when I mouse over. 

Clicking the red tick twice and refreshing the page stops showing that episode and shows the next one that is also already been watched. Repeating this doesn't feel productive.

On one of them it was easy to do the click the tick twice for each season then manually unwatch the few episodes I haven't watched. But then the show stopped showing in Up Next entirely...

Setup Details:
Version: 10.8.13
Operating System: Linux - Docker
Architecture: X64
Viewing in webclient and Android TV app gives the same behaviour

RE: Up Next includes watched episodes - jellofinnn - 2024-01-31

Have you checked Settings > Display > and disabling "Enable Rewatching in Next Up"?

RE: Up Next includes watched episodes - lovestha - 2024-01-31

I didn't suspect their would be a config option for that as it sounds terrible (clearly someone likes it).

It was off. But just for giggles I turned it on, saved, turned it off, saved, and the behaviour is persistent.